arent you a lawyer? If Dan and I are married for 20 years and he decides he wants a divorce I don't just get dumped out on my ass. If he's the provider for 20 years I'm going to get years of alamony. Plus we're having at least two more kids and are seriously considering homeschooling.
We made vows. If he wants to break them he is definitely going to pay a lot of money to be able to do it. That or he can post in the grownup forum some how to breech a marriage and get away with it thread.
My life is devoted to my family. Do I have moments where I feel like I can't sit in my house for another minute? Of course. Do I sometimes feel worthless? Duh. Would I have thought this is where I'd be 10 years ago? No. Do I know I'll never regret my decision to do this? Absolutely not. But for now this is what we've decided and this is what we're sticking with.
Im not going to tell you my job is "so hard. Harder than any other job" like some people do (I just so happen to disagree with that statement anyway) but we do have a lot on our shoulders. Plus we are expected to be perfect "since we don't have a job".