It's just a long troll. No one gets falsely accused of rape then dates a non gendered sjw college chick.
I was going to post the same thing lol.
I think I posted it before but my ex left me two years ago and put me in a real bad state of depression as she cheated on me with a friend of mine.
Last March she got back in touch and wanted to mend fences between us so I invited them over a few times to hang out. Well my EX is just as perverted as me so we ended up fooling around all three of us for a while.
The problem arose was when she would come over by herself when he was at work and we would fuck. I was just happy to be seeing her again so I believed her when she said it was ok.
I don't know the specifics of how she got caught but one night I dropped her off fine and in the morning I got a text from her saying "never speak to me or Pat again etcetcetc"
I go six months with out talking to them and one day a mutual friend of mine(they are all co-workers with the boyfriend and live with him so I really just cut contact with most of them) said she sent a letter out saying I had raped her after dinner one night and that she loved Pat and would never cheat on him.
What I had to do was take the VZW cloud files of my 3k texts from her plus the 20+ nude pictures she sent me with time stamps to a lawyer and pay him $1200 to draft a letter and I had it sent to their house and his place of business(family run) Saying here is the proof if you want to see it and I will sue if you continue to slander me.
Never heard anything back and the two got kicked out of the place they lived at by my friends who now talk to me again.
About two months after he found out unequivocally she cheated on him and let me piss in her mouth and cum in her before going home to fuck him he proposes and married her in a non ceramony in a backyard.
She has gained about 50lbs now so we good.
Dating fucked up girls isn't an outlier for me
it's literally the only type of girl I'm attracted too.