Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Buzzfeed Editor
I'd love to hear those stories. Just sayin'...
FUR REAL, like she got poisoned and anal is the only antidote. I wish I knew what I did right, I'd start holding seminars.

A few years ago if you'd asked me, our sex life was our biggest problem. Now I'd say it's finances/house shit. More mundane.


A Mod Real Quick
No that's a pretty standard first date.

Why would you want to eat on a first date? It inhibits conversation and you're eating instead of getting drunk and fondling each other.

It's also cheaper and you aren't stuck waiting for your food if it clearly isn't going well.
Wife and I ate on our first date. Took fuckin 3 hours To eat


Musty Nester
Yeah. Drinks is a social setting where either one of you can just bail and it's relatively cheap -- so no one is spending any actual money.

I dunno man, it's way different out in the stix. I can do "lets go walk around this lake if the weather is nice" or "I've never been deep into those woods. Wanna see what's back there?". Can't get away with that shit in NY.

When I lived in a different city me and a girl went and explored an delapidated railway depot. That was actually a lot of fun. It was like walking around in fallout world. She shamed me though, she was a much better climber than I am. She'd get up on a roof and laugh at me.

I liked that girl.
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Well-Known Memer
Bro, I love urban exploring and walking down the freight tracks and shit checking out graffiti, checking out roof views, etc.

Can't picture a woman willingly being down for the rape alley tour of Brooklyn though. :smuggly:

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Trakanon Raider
I think this is a good idea for the crowd sourcing we should come up with a list of first date questions for lulzsect.


Musty Nester
Right, so prime first date material.

It sounds like a joke, and it kinda is. I don't actually lead with "the implication" to random pretty strangers. But it is quite effective at weeding out the ones who aren't worth the time.

It tells you a great deal about them without having to ask any awkward questions.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe instead of standard Khane qualifiers we just type (Khane clause).

"I agree with Khane here (Khane clause)"

"Though Khane is fucking retarded and knows nothing of relationships or women and will be forever alone, I agree with this particular assertion"

Would save time but still allow us to agree with Khane without losing credibility

Here let me try : When it comes to first date advice Khane is 10d Chestmaster

"Though Khane is fucking retarded and knows nothing of relationships or women and will be forever alone."


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Here let me try : When it comes to first date advice Khane is 10d Chestmaster

"Though Khane is fucking retarded and knows nothing of relationships or women and will be forever alone."

"Though Khane is a smug condescending fat crook-dicked ginger who once tried to break up with an entire online community despite it being the only long term relationship of his lonely life..."
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Well-Known Memer
For the record I have hung out with this girl once in December though, we were both pretty drunk (i was blazed too) already when we met up. I had a couple of coke fueled text berg outs which led to her not talking to me for a few weeks. But here we are again.


Musty Nester
So yeah. No coke, and you might be ok.

You might also tell her, if it comes up naturally, that you are X days clean (maybe you can lie a little here and pad it if the X is low) and really trying to change your life.

Women just LOVE to fix a man.

She might also just wish you luck and decide that's a bigger mountain than she wants to climb. But at least then you'll have been honest about it and can respect both of you.
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Well-Known Memer
Definitely not doing coke. Very surprised still she is down to chill. She's well aware of my problem when I was really out of control near the end of 2016.


Got something right about marriage
"Though Khane is a smug condescending fat crook-dicked ginger who once tried to break up with an entire online community despite it being the only long term relationship of his lonely life..."

How dare you... coat hangers are not crooked.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
No that's a pretty standard first date.

Why would you want to eat on a first date? It inhibits conversation and you're eating instead of getting drunk and fondling each other.

It's also cheaper and you aren't stuck waiting for your food if it clearly isn't going well.

Isn't it fairly proven that eating a meal with another human is one of the most bonding things you can do?


Got something right about marriage
We're talking first date. Not dinner with the fam.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I eat with my family all the time and I can't stand them, so I don't think that bonding theory is true.

Just kidding, mom. I love you!
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Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
Wait. What. No, wait. They're not.. no.. what...

What is even the POINT of one without the other?


Getting rejected because you're too fucked up is way better than being accepted because you didn't want to admit how fucked up you are. Like no contest at all.
Self flagellation can be rewarding?


Musty Nester
Self flagellation can be rewarding?


Honestly, If I have to pretend to be something that I'm not then I'm not interested. I'm willing to do that for work. Never love. I am also what they call a confirmed bachelor. I used to think that meant "gay", and it does. But it can also mean just a guy who is so god damn selfish that he won't take a wife. And that's true. In my 20's I was terrified of children. In my thirties I was disdainful of divorced mothers with young children. I called it either fear or good sense at the time, but really it was only selfishness. I don't believe in "the one". That's a ridiculous notion. But I do believe in a spectrum of compatibility... and I know perfectly well what an odd duck I am. I know where the faults are that can't be fixed and shouldn't be patched.

It usually involves a great deal of flaggelation, that's true, there's been dozens that just fizzle. Near misses. Not nearly as many hostile separations as I would have thought. I learned young to not force it.

But when it clicks god damn it there's only one thing in this world that's better. When you can form a real connection. If I have to take a beating sometimes, then I just have to take a beating.

It's either all or nothing, ya know? Half assed just isn't worth the effort. And forcing something is half assed. Yeah. Love is a compulsion. That's my experience of it. I don't mean infatuation. That's fun to indulge in, generally harmless, a different structure. But that's not love.

There is a reason why i'm single, after all. I've only ever met two women that were insane in just the right (but completely different) ways.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>

Honestly, If I have to pretend to be something that I'm not then I'm not interested. I'm willing to do that for work. Never love. I am also what they call a confirmed bachelor. I used to think that meant "gay", and it does. But it can also mean just a guy who is so god damn selfish that he won't take a wife. And that's true. In my 20's I was terrified of children. In my thirties I was disdainful of divorced mothers with young children. I called it either fear or good sense at the time, but really it was only selfishness. I don't believe in "the one". That's a ridiculous notion. But I do believe in a spectrum of compatibility... and I know perfectly well what an odd duck I am. I know where the faults are that can't be fixed and shouldn't be patched.

It usually involves a great deal of flaggelation, that's true, there's been dozens that just fizzle. Near misses. Not nearly as many hostile separations as I would have thought. I learned young to not force it.

But when it clicks god damn it there's only one thing in this world that's better. When you can form a real connection. If I have to take a beating sometimes, then I just have to take a beating.

It takes a lot of sacrifice to make a marriage work, a lot of compromise with the other person (and them for you.) I really think if you live alone too long you will get too set in not making those compromises, and any compromise will seem like too much, and you'll self-sabotage any relationship on that basis. I got married at ~25 and wouldn't have it any other way; if I had waited until 35 I would not have put up with her bullshit. I think back and think I was young and dumb and would not enter a relationship at my age now.
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