Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Musty Nester
I really would. Ride the bang train. Be happy. Serious will happen on its own.

Two or three months down the line tell her that if she needs something all she has to do is ask.

The bang train will lead to serious on its own accord. No need to rush anything. Stupid to, actually. You don't want to shorten this upcoming part.
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Got something right about marriage
It's not a train, it's a bullet... right to the heart... or her ass... the "hot bullet".
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Ok bananas and coke dating dead pigeons and crazy horny? God speed good man.

Anyway I have now learned the true secret to making valentines not suck: having your wife own her own catering company. She did a prime rib for two date night in which was a huge success along with chocolate covered strawberries that weren't retarded over priced, so they sold like gang busters. We could have sold more if we had more on hand, lesson learned for next year. And she was so hyped about the success that she wanted a trip to pound town afterwards. Win Win. Sex and tons of left over prime rib for lunches this week.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Had a nice dinner at home and banged guts. Then I watched some Black Sails.
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We don't celebrate Valentines or Mothers/Fathers day at all.

She puts out heart decorations and wore a red shirt but that's as far as we go.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The number of women that have to show off the bouquets they got on facebook to prove to everyone that they are loved is just hilarious. Its not enough that you got it delivered to the office so all the office people could see it, now you gotta share it too to make sure to whore up the maximum amount of attention.

What a stupid holiday. We went out to dinner, watched a tv show, had sex, went to bed. More or less like any other day minus the going out to dinner part.
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Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
We don't celebrate Valentines or Mothers/Fathers day at all.

She puts out heart decorations and wore a red shirt but that's as far as we go.

Well done - I can't quite get the wife to concede that these days are just cash grabs for Hallmark and the florists... well maybe restaurants and caterers too - no offense Namon, I fully approve of prime rib.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
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Blackwing Lair Raider
The number of women that have to show off the bouquets they got on facebook to prove to everyone that they are loved is just hilarious. Its not enough that you got it delivered to the office so all the office people could see it, now you gotta share it too to make sure to whore up the maximum amount of attention.

What a stupid holiday. We went out to dinner, watched a tv show, had sex, went to bed. More or less like any other day minus the going out to dinner part.

This so much this. While my wife and her helper were out making deliveries, I had to run to the dollar store to pick up a plunger (long story that I may tell in the parenting thread), and seriously the line was to the back of the building of poor dudes who after a long day of hard labor were obliged to get SOMETHING, ANYTHING for their wives and were picking up whatever they could grab at an over sized convenience store. I mean you could go into the whole, well if you actually gave a shit on the other 364 days, and honestly I'd wager a good chunk of them were guilty of that, but I still can't help but feel some kind of pity for them.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
My valentines day was good. Wife made dinner (smoked sausages ... pretty much the lowest effort dinner you can make since all you gotta do is heat them up). She bought me some beef jerky, I bought her a star wars dress and some silverware we saw at a fancy restaurant that we really liked. Then she blew me. No pound town because she's recovering from back surgery.


Shitlord, Offender of the Universe
<Bronze Donator>
Mine was typical, bad day at work coupled with annoying shit at the house = we ate dinner, exchanged cards, I listened to her drone on about her FB feed until she finally decided to go to sleep.


I'm With HER ♀
Had lunch, got called into work. Got home late, watched black sails, sucked his dick (shark week), made some quesadillas. Good times.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm happy to go out for a "valentine's meal", but I will never, EVER set foot in a nice restaurant on actual valentine's day again. After a couple of experiences where very nice, very expensive restaurants turned into cattle lots with people packed in shoulder to shoulder and served steaks that Outback would think twice about, all while being charged a mark-up on already premium prices... yeah, fuck that.

I haven't received much pushback on this over the years, because I still get her a card and present on valentine's and we still go out to a nice restaurant. And have a much, much better experience than going day of.

EDIT: grammar.
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A Mod Real Quick
Yes, we know she's pregnant. I think your lack of banging is affecting your perception of her. That was pretty harsh, lol.
Maybe. I mean I came home and she complained nonstop. Then I got pizza,she ate it, and fell asleep in her recliner by 9pm. Then she got angry about something and that was it