Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Blackwing Lair Raider
Meh. Women deserve some leeway while pregnant. If you cut my caffeine and booze off for 9 months, made me puke randomly, and I spent 1/2 that time with an awkward weight pressing my insides and fucking up my bodily functions, it would wear on me.

That said, it's not a blanket free pass. One friend of a friend's wife took the opportunity to eat her way to a 70 fucking lb weight gain (!!!!) and act like a mega-cunt, "because pregnant". Then again, she has a pitch black soul and has been & always will be a miserable oxygen thief. She just added obese to the list of awful traits she has.

Dear Jesus God in Heaven, who in the hell allows an already hormonal overdosed woman go without caffeine? I don't care what studies say, my wife without coffee in the morning is a dangerous beast that cannot be cornered.
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<Bronze Donator>
Dear Jesus God in Heaven, who in the hell allows an already hormonal overdosed woman go without caffeine? I don't care what studies say, my wife without coffee in the morning is a dangerous beast that cannot be cornered.
Doctors, for one. Caffeine intake during pregnancy is at the very least recommended to a low level.

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
OK, friends and family are not coming through for me in re meeting men. Sometimes it is because the single ones they know...and I quote, "Aren't good enough." (I say...let me decide that, but they are overly protective.)
Considering dating sites...don't really want trashy ones but also not the morally superior bullshit sites either.
Yes, I know there is a thread in re this, but it doesn't quite fit the needs of this okie dokie 51 year old woman.
I want some new first dates.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Honestly you are not worth a lot by this point from available bachelor stand point of view. The ones that are partner material.. I mean logically speaking women in 50s are going way down the scale unless you are aging good. It is too bad but your choice of men will have to come from local activities that involve work or hobbies. Sell your personality. If you got none, good luck.


A Mod Real Quick
Honestly you are not worth a lot by this point from available bachelor stand point of view. The ones that are partner material.. I mean logically speaking women in 50s are going way down the scale unless you are aging good. It is too bad but your choice of men will have to come from local activities that involve work or hobbies. Sell your personality. If you got none, good luck.

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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Oh, Trollface. You just can't keep your pudgy little Asian fingers from getting the best of you.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I can't help but laugh thinking about some 25 yo bowl cut Asian typing that out.
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Got something right about marriage
Isn't there a dating site specifically for "mature" people. OurTime or something? I mean... I don't know because I've never been on it.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Yeah, how fucking dare he speak the truth, despite how harsh it may be to accept!

As far as dating sites go, you seriously need to be on all of them. Don't limit your options to the "tasteful" ones. There are weirdos and shitty people on them all, just as in real life, but if you broaden your options, you make it easier to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Get out there, date, and enjoy the new experiences for what they are. Each one will teach you something new about people and yourself.
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