Haha I never understood guys that do that. That's so weird.This dude to whom I had been talking and with whom I had gone to dinner (pre new man) texted me his unsolicited business card. He was promptly removed from the list of potentials. Not that his parts weren't adequate, but it was a true dick move.
more than likely he saw things weren't really progressing anywhere so he decided he had nothing to lose by throwing a hail mary. there's a HIMYM episode about this:I think he was just playing the odds, but he bet wrong with me.
So then...I shouldn't attach one to my resume?The odds are rarely in the man's favor when it comes to dick pics.
Not necessarily always trueThe kind of girl who wants a dick pic, you don't want anyways.
Not necessarily always true
Thoughtful to describe myself is not (just) about conversation, nor necessarily "kindness". It often means that I think about/analyze a situation or person and then put into action (including matters sex related) those thoughts or the conclusions to which I arrive. It does usually benefit others though.I don't think thoughtful conversation is what that guy was looking for. I'm guessing he sends 100s of dickpics a week. Through shock and awe, he has to at least hit a couple targets.