I read maid as bangmaid by default now.How have we gotten this far with no mention of a bangmaid?
There is something inherently fucked up about a woman who requires a maid, I don't care how busy she is or how much money she makes
I tell all my friends who are (relatively) miserable in their marriages and childless to have an affair. Only a few ways it can go and none of them are particularly scary. She finds out and leaves you - things were shit anyways, so no biggie there (and no kids to consider). She finds out and you say it was due to the emotional stress her actions were burdening you with - she changes for the better and your bond is deepened. She never finds out, you cease to care what she thinks and continue doing it (a signal it's time to leave). She never finds out, it wrecks you mentally and you realize you were the fuck up and work through your issues. Regardless, it allows you and your wife to view things through a fresh lens (even if she never finds out, womens intuition is a helluva thing). Or, she could cheat on you and then you find her sister/best friend and get drunk with them and have a little fondle in an uber driving back from Chili's.
In my experience, I've had multiple friends go seek counseling for very similar reasons and it almost never works. My best friend, a multi millionaire actually got his wife pregnant during counseling and he's now/still one of the most miserable bastards I know. There is something inherently fucked up about a woman who requires a maid, I don't care how busy she is or how much money she makes (until you have kids, then all bets are off - hire 9 maids, a nanny and lawn guy).
'Doesn't matter if she earns more, works harder/longer. It's still her specific personal responsibility to keep my house spotless, and acquiring the help of someone else so that housework doesn't add up to a cumulative 60+ hour work week is undesireable.'
Shut the fuck up.
Derp - making more money is always a sign someone is working harder/longer. They both work, what the feck are you on about. It's not gender specific - if you can't manage your household after a white collar day sitting in an office with no kids, how the fuck do you reckon it's going to go with 2 rugrats running around tearing shit up. Judging by Picasso's posts, he works full time too and still has time to refinish basements, do remodeling around the house, etc. You know, saving actual money instead of spending more because his wife "works harder/longer". What's her excuse exactly?
You sound like an absolute joy to live with, sweetheart.
Nobody goes to the mats over 1%.We're perfectly happy about 99% of the time. Drama quota.
No problem hiring a maid and i said I'd pay for it. So we're doing that but like i said we have a drama quota we have to meet.
We make plenty and she makes about twice what I do.
0 kids, 0 actual problems.