It seems your wife misunderstands the purpose of the internet. It always has, is, and will be: porn and arguing with strangers. Pinterest is just a distraction.I won this session Picasso: 1 Marriage: 0
I actually like the lady. My wife mentioned I've been arguing on the internet too much recently so i feel like you guys should put in something towards the fees
I can't jerk off to this, picasso
How shitty of a cleaning service would attractive females be and cost? I can't see myself wanting to risk money on something like that.
You can't? My office door has been shut for the past 3 hours fapping to Picasso's situation
I got a top 5 of all time bj last night
That was pre-therapy. What are you expecting tonight, post-therapy?
You joke but Everytime we've tried to have kids my wife has gotten pregnant within the first month. It sucks because it happens before we can even ramp up with the crazy shit
I wish I was exaggerating, but in the first 5 years of my marriage, I finished in my wife twice - I have two children. It goes without saying that I got a vasectomy within weeks of the 2nd one being born. I don't know if I'm super fertile or if she is or if it's both of us, but I thought it best to take myself out of the equation.Every time we decided we wanted another kid we didn't spend any time trying. We just stopped trying not to, and were pregnant within a week. Fucking bonkers.
After the Rav drama I just can't take anything you say about marriage and monogamy seriously
P Picasso3 good luck man. Hopefully you don't get blindsided by some other issue during counseling. Something similar happened to me when I went to mine. It sidetracked into some issues that happened 2-3 years ago. I was like ... what the heck ???
My favorite meaningless line my wife uses from time to time is.. "Oh baby you don't know this because I never told you." Well.. how am i supposed to form an opinion about someone, or fix something if you never tell me.
Good luck Picasso.
Also assault is illegal.