Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I won this session Picasso: 1 Marriage: 0

I actually like the lady. My wife mentioned I've been arguing on the internet too much recently so i feel like you guys should put in something towards the fees
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<Bronze Donator>
I won this session Picasso: 1 Marriage: 0

I actually like the lady. My wife mentioned I've been arguing on the internet too much recently so i feel like you guys should put in something towards the fees
It seems your wife misunderstands the purpose of the internet. It always has, is, and will be: porn and arguing with strangers. Pinterest is just a distraction.
  • 2Worf
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
How shitty of a cleaning service would attractive females be and cost? I can't see myself wanting to risk money on something like that.

The first hand reviews I've heard from services like that were that they were terrible at cleaning. But the target demo is single guys, so as long as they're sexy no one complains. There are tons of complaints about them. Almost all of them say she was ugly and couldn't clean. When I looked, I saw no negative reviews saying she was hot as fuck but couldn't clean. If there were any, they were probably written by lesbians.

I had a nude maid for a while and she was a tremendous cleaner. She ran a real maid service and one day decided that she could get double if she did it naked. So she advertised on craigslist, which is where I found her. She would crawl around on her hands and knees scrubbing floors and baseboards every time. The worst part about her was that she was about a 6/10. But she was super cool and down for pretty much anything except sex. I bought her maid outfits to wear, she let my roomate take pictures. She even let him film her masturbating. The reason I knew she was good was that when I had women over, they all commented on how clean the place was.

You can't? My office door has been shut for the past 3 hours fapping to Picasso's situation

3 hours? holy shit this is bordering on a medical emergency. What do you need to get you there? Picasso, describe the TheRapist to him.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
You joke but Everytime we've tried to have kids my wife has gotten pregnant within the first month. It sucks because it happens before we can even ramp up with the crazy shit

Every time we decided we wanted another kid we didn't spend any time trying. We just stopped trying not to, and were pregnant within a week. Fucking bonkers.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Every time we decided we wanted another kid we didn't spend any time trying. We just stopped trying not to, and were pregnant within a week. Fucking bonkers.
I wish I was exaggerating, but in the first 5 years of my marriage, I finished in my wife twice - I have two children. It goes without saying that I got a vasectomy within weeks of the 2nd one being born. I don't know if I'm super fertile or if she is or if it's both of us, but I thought it best to take myself out of the equation.
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Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Just hit 18yrs married (together 22), we don't really do anything for anniversaries other than the 5s. So starting to get excited for 20 because that means an exciting vacation somewhere we haven't been. Feeling old when I think back on our history but physically we are probably in the best shape of our lives. We have a couple other posters in this thread right around same age/marriage length and just want to say I salute you, it feels like it's becoming rarer (long term monogamy) with divorce all around us but I wouldn't trade my life for anything. LT relationships and rearing children is certainly not for everyone but watching the fruit of your labors is one heck of a reward, our anniversary often makes me think about our children with whom I couldn't be prouder. Salut!
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Most of my counseling sessions the therapy was telling her the same things I was telling my wife. It is because either I was right, or is on the counselors' handbook.

I guess that for the guy to really fuck up, and get an earful from the therapist you either have to cheat, or be emotionally not available. The rest can be worked on.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
After the Rav drama I just can't take anything you say about marriage and monogamy seriously


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
After the Rav drama I just can't take anything you say about marriage and monogamy seriously

That's certainly your choice, but you are letting the boards inflated version of events carry too much weight imo and likely basing that on things that never happened . While it' is tempting to respond in detail to show that is rather an extreme position for something so innocuous but I doubt you actually care enough to spend time "convincing you". Having said that, I'm certainly not perfect and I'm ashamed of the mistakes I did make, and I regret that the extent it impugns my character all these years later.
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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
P Picasso3 good luck man. Hopefully you don't get blindsided by some other issue during counseling. Something similar happened to me when I went to mine. It sidetracked into some issues that happened 2-3 years ago. I was like ... what the heck ???

My favorite meaningless line my wife uses from time to time is.. "Oh baby you don't know this because I never told you." Well.. how am i supposed to form an opinion about someone, or fix something if you never tell me.

Good luck Picasso.

Women make the mistake of thinking we pay attention more than 25% of the time

We don't
  • 1Worf
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Got something right about marriage
You'd know it was illegal, you just wouldn't know it was wrong without our Lord and Savior. Amen.
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