Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Got something right about marriage
Uh oh, if Julian is lying to us, just what else did he do to that poor, sane, perfect nurse lady? She's a victim.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Huh? The Rome thing was the morning after according to the earlier post, no?
Was way to tired to fuck post hike. In the morning we woke up late, she was rushing around like a maniac trying to get ready(TO GO HIKING), and I pulled the Marc Antony line from the HBO series Rome that I've always wanted to use, "I'm not moving from this bed until I've fucked someone." It worked. She got naked, hopped on top and fucked the shit out of me. Scratched "use Rome line successfully" off the bucket list andwent hiking.
I added the part in parentheses.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
We started the hike yesterday at 11:00 and finished around 5:30. It was 13.5 miles up to the top of a mountain and back down. I was doing fine until the last leg of the trail which was up a steep incline for about 30 minutes. It fucking killed me. When I got to the top I was thinking this will be sweet as hell to hike down now. Nope. The hike down was steep and rocky as hell and took about as much energy to keep myself upright as it did walking up the cocksucker. After that we got lost for an hour and ended up having to cross a swift knee high stream and then hike another couple miles on a gravel road to get to our vehicles. Shit was hardcore. I was asleep by 8:30.
Sounds about right! Eomer is a highly trained canuck that will go on 14 mile hikes in flipflops and then drink Molson Dry all night. We mere mortal nerds have no reason to walk further than our car.

Sorry to hear it went to shit. Better now than later I suppose, even though it was a minor fuckup to mention your ex to your new girlfriend her reaction was unwarranted. But the truth is that from her perspective a recently divorced guy talking to his ex when it's not necessary has a high probability of him going back to his ex.

Either way, this thread is where you talk about awkwardness with your ex!


Trakanon Raider
Tuco_sl said:
and then drink Molson Dry all night
Shit no. Hiking beers is all about Cold Shots man. Use your head.


Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Nothing back from her yet. I haven't talked to my ex-wife except. In weeks outside of the meeting at the bank and planing to meet her. I don't know why my ex-wife is even an issue. No way in fucking hell I'd ever even consider getting back together with her.

This shit is a major red flag for me. Not interested in a crazy controlling girlfriend.
From my experience 90% of women will react the same way this chick did. If this is "crazy" then every chick is crazy. I have NEVER been with a woman from the USA that was cool with me associating with an ex-girlfriend no matter what the circumstances. In fact, I can't think of any that were even cool with me having a female friend. Some will pull the "Oh I trust you, I'm not the jealous type" early on in the relationship, but ALL inevitably get jealous and start making your life miserable over it. Even if the female friend in question is "non-threatening" ( fat and/or ugly), the day you mention to your girlfriend that you were talking to your friend "Sally" over random X event, she will go apeshit on you if you hadn't told her first, which will have you screaming for mercy and slamming your head against the wall. A therapist explained this to me in the sense that women aren't just worried about you cheating with the "female friend", but also having a connection with someone else that they don't share. So me telling Sally this random story that just happened to come up that I happened not to mention to my GF? To her it meant that I had a rapport with Sally I don't have with her. Idiotic but that's the way it is..

If you're interested in this chick don't let this get in the way, because you'll just deal with it via the next potential girlfriend.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
This is why I fucking love you guys. I guess in my na?vety about the newly entered dating scene I thought I lived in a utopian universe where being open and honest about everything was a good thing. Guess it's not that easy but thanks for the heads up anyway.


Got something right about marriage
Being open and honest is fine. Throwing in the "She started crying" bit is just fishing for a reaction, which you got. But honestly going to sign papers or give your ex back some of their shit isn't really necessary to bring up in a topic of conversation so early on. I mean, if that was a business partner would you have just blurted it out in conversation? Probably not because it's irrelevant.

Even still her reaction was stupid. If that was enough for her to walk away, she would have been looking for excuses the entire time you were with her and it would have eventually happened anyway. All it did was make it easy for you before you had gotten attached.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
I thought I lived in a utopian universe where being open and honest about everything was a good thing.
Pretty much anything involving past relationships should be a no go. Even being asked how many women you've been with before should be answered with nothing but either "you're my first" or "science has found no number big enough to describe it yet"(accompanied by an over the top grin) or some equally silly answers. There's really no positive to share anything about your sexual/relationship past.

Being open and honest is touted as being a virtue but fact is when a woman knows everything about you, you become boring and mundane. Past relationships have the added perk of hitting all her jealousy and insecurity triggers. Sorting out business with the an ex-wife is trickier than past actions, since that is happening in the present, but it's not something you want to bring up casually either.

With that said, looks like you're dodging a bullet. Chick wasn't asking you, she was telling you what to do. Not cool.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
With that said, looks like you're dodging a bullet.
I have not dodged a bullet. I've jumped directly in its path. Dramas not over yet boys.

Didn't hear from her all afternoon and evening. She worked something like 7:00 am to 7:30 PM. After work I go to the gym and go home and take a shower. When I'm getting out of the shower I get a call from a number that I don't know and let it go to voice mail. Same number texts me and says it's her and call her back, her phone died and she's using her neighbors cell. I call her right back and she starts crying hysterically telling me about her horrible day, how her phone died to top it off, and how she got into a huge fight with her mom last night. So my terrible judgement gets the better of me and I tell her I'm coming down to her place.

I get down there and she's a complete mess. I get her calmed down and she tells me that she got into a big fight with her mom last night about us coming down to visit them in NC next month. Her parents are old fashioned Christians and won't let us sleep in the same room. Her parents keep bugging her to come visit them but then they make things super difficult as they only have one guest room. So she feels really alone here with not many friends in the area and no family either. So apparently she really had a bad fight with her mom about it and not treating her like an adult, she's 33 for fucks sake. She apologizes for the fight we had earlier in the day and said how terrible it felt to not be able to call me etc. I did get her phone to work again so who knows, maybe this was all her plan.

So after getting her calmed down we fuck and go to sleep. She always sleeps butt ass naked and I've told her to expect sex in the morning anytime she does that. This morning I wake up at 5:30, start kissing her all over and she's ready and we bang again.

This girl is really something else. I've never had anything but good experiences hanging out with her. She's fun, adventurous, smart, good sense of humor, and has the dirty mind of a 15 year old schoolboy. When we went to the beach she saw a banana on sale for 69 cents at a convenience store and pointed at it and giggled like a school girl which was completely corny but cute as hell. But get her emotional and behind a keyboard and she is a little nuts.

I've never had this consistent quality and quantity of sex before in my life. She really does fuck like a porn star. It's nothing for her to cum 5-7 times in a row on top and want more and she has one of the tightest/best asses and bodies with great perky little tits that I've ever seen. I'll try to deliver some pics for all the great advice I'll be receiving from you guys and promptly ignoring. Fuck me, I know this is a bad idea but right now we're having too much fun together and too much fantastic sex. I won't let one bad/emotional day ruin it yet.


Riddle me this...
Yeah, kudos to you for the recovery. It goes to show that no matter how experienced you are even the best of us fuck up. I've been with my woman for a little over a year and as far as she is concerned there has been no other woman but her my entire life.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Forgot to mention, my compromise with her about the ex was I mail her shit back this weekend, text her if she wants the cats back this weekend, and if ex texts me about anything again unnecessarily again(which she hasn't in weeks) I tell her to stop texting me. New girl seemed happy with that.


Musty Nester
Yeah, open and honest is 100% to the good. But you also need to not be an asshole. You know those guys that say, "Hey. I'm just bein' honest!" after they've just been a complete douchebag? Don't be that guy.

And you need to save the really sick fetish shit for the 3rd date, unless your name is Quinloe.

"I want you eat a can of peaches for breakfast and then take a shit on my forehead after dinner" is just not 2nd date material.


Musty Nester
If there is ever a forgivable time to be righteously jealous it is probably in that "recently divorced ex-wife/husband" timeframe. Even a phlegmatic would stumble there. And this woman does not sound phlegmatic.

That's why you don't say shit beyond just the fact ma'am unless they ask.

It's easy money to bet that she's nuts, but this episode isn't really an indication of it.

Keep us posted. She's gonna do something insane to you.


Molten Core Raider
If there is ever a forgivable time to be righteously jealous it is probably in that "recently divorced ex-wife/husband" timeframe.
Not when you're first going out. Yeah, he should have kept his mouth shut about it, but the fact is she's dating a guy going through a divorce. I don't think him keepingthata secret is a way to start a relationship unless he's only wanting sex for a few weeks. If she's an (sane) adult she'll understand that he has to deal with it, which means meeting her and the like. If he was still interested in her he wouldn't be going through a divorce and dating her.

Given this chick's thinking a half-marathon hike is good early-date material, along with her crazy episode, and the fact that her parents are hardcore thumpers, I'm still going with this girl is a Nurse Ratched type. This will give Onoes a run for his money. Keep up the good work.