Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Got something right about marriage
Nah she's nuts AND immature after hearing about her weeping episode. Have fun with the great sex for a while, but this broad was crying and/or lying about a "dead" cell phone and a "fight" with mommy dearest. And instead of plugging in the cellphone to make a call to Julian like a normal, rational adult she borrowed a neighbors? This bitch is extra crazy.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I wouldn't consider 1 pushy text "going nuclear". Her 2nd text was already 'ok then I'll pick up my stuff and so long'.


2 Minutes Hate
All women are fucking crazy. Just learn that and you should be OK. Also, if a woman goes nutty on you a lot of the time it's because they are upset, anxious, angry, or insecure from another source and they are taking it out on the nearest person.


Got something right about marriage
I wouldn't 1 pushy text "going nuclear". Her 2nd text was already 'ok then I'll pick up my stuff and so long'.
Which was just her trying to make him apologize and beg. Then she manufactured a bad day (who knows, maybe she did actually have a bad day, but based on past experiences her day was probably fine and this was just her excuse to get you to come to her after her first plan failed). I mean, it's possible she's telling the truth, but it's not likely. Then again I'm a cynic through and through. I hope for the best but expect the worst from people.


Molten Core Raider
So at the age of 33 she is already telling her parents about a guy she's been banging for 1 week, and making plans for her parents to meet this guy? That's something a 17 year old does.

She's a fucking loon, and incredibly immature for her age. Have fun with the sex while you can but plan your escape route now.


Trakanon Raider
The "meet the parents" shit is weird, this early on.

"Hey Mommy and Daddy Bible Thumper! This is the new boyfriend that fucks me six different ways till Sunday. We've been dating two weeks. Did I mention he's fresh out of a divorce?"

Any right thinking person would say to themselves "hmm, I've only been seeing this person a couple weeks, they have some baggage that they're dealing with, and my parents are fundamentalist Christians who insist on separate beds/rooms. Maybe I should give it a couple months before I get the relations involved."

Have fun with the situation, but this train is headed to crazy town.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The weird thing is that they were "broken up" and yet she still got in a fight with her mom about bringing him down to the house. Why didn't she just say that wasn't happening because they weren't together anymore?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Ok, in light of newly revealed evidence I will have to concur that she's a crazy in hiding.

1) She's a nurse
2) Bible thumper parents
3) Nympho in bed
4) Crying/drama over a fight with mom and a bad day at work
5) Already arranging a meet-the-parents when yesterday she was giving you ultimatums over the ex

I expect the craziness to escalate as she becomes more enamored of you. Please report back developments. #3 combined with #4 are the two biggest red flags. It's totally common but the crying/drama over work really wears you down over time. Most girlfriends I've had worked less hours than me, made less money than me, and had less responsibility, so when I have to spend an hour after work each day listening to her water cooler drama it becomes really hard to sympathize, especially since I don't feel the need to create anger/drama over daily work events that are outside my control.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I'm not 100% sure why there is such a strong connection between crazy bitches and being a nurse

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Yeah I'm not 100% sure why there is such a strong connection between crazy bitches and being a nurse
My guess is because they spend the day getting bossed around by mostly male doctors and sexually harassed by patients. They also usually work really shit hours. I've only dated two in my lifetime and both were cray, but I'd estimate that 70% of the women I've dated have been crazy so that's not sufficient evidence for me to label the whole profession nuts. I will say however that a nurse, when she's into you, does a very good job playing "caregiver".


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My guess is because they spend the day getting bossed around by mostly male doctors and sexually harassed by patients. They also usually work really shit hours. I've only dated two in my lifetime and both were cray, but I'd estimate that 70% of the women I've dated have been crazy so that's not sufficient evidence for me to label the whole profession nuts. I will say however that a nurse, when she's into you, does a very good job playing "caregiver".
That is because all crazy women are fun to date for like two months until they go full off the rails psycho bitch


A Mod Real Quick
I'm still going with crazy here man, get out while you can or at least don't start moving her shit into your place. She sounds a little emotionally unstable if she can't handle you meeting your ex-wife at the bank to handle some business - especially after only one week.

Ever wonder why she was single? You're probably starting to figure it out, even if you don't believe it yet.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
The weird thing is that they were "broken up" and yet she still got in a fight with her mom about bringing him down to the house. Why didn't she just say that wasn't happening because they weren't together anymore?
The fight with the mom was Monday night. Other crazy started Tuesday morning. So everything was still hunkey dory with us when the fight with her mom happened. I told her that she couldn't control her parents so she was trying to control me.

I'm defiantly on guard now with her. Her lease is up in October so I do have a deadline to shit or get off the pot.


<Silver Donator>
This thread has taught me that a woman's skills in bed are inversely proportional to her emotional stability.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It isn't very fundy Christian for her parents to not want some dude their slutty daughter met a month ago banging in their house, either


Musty Nester
It's because of the discipline that it takes to be a decent nurse. Emotional, mental, physical. It's not getting bossed around by... your boss. Docs aren't even your boss. Other nurses are your boss.

It will either make you cold or it will burn you out. If you're lucky, your knees go before your give a shits.

There you go, givin a fuck when it ain't your turn.