Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Buzzfeed Editor
I know you guys are just joking but whenever this pseudo creeper stuff toward Lindz comes out I get pretty uncomfortable.
Bro, I'm not creeping on anyone. I'm married and Lindz is a bro, if I can't fuck with a bro then what the fuck is the point.


<Silver Donator>
Lindz posted titties as a bro-to-bro trade. She rightly understands that they are a very valuable commodity.

That said, I agree that PM stalking would be out of line. Which is why I use a telescope.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
"Middle aged dudes on the rebound and the women who want to fuck them on the first date and then plunge their lives into chaos."

It's a bit long I guess.
Every single other post breaking my balls I took graciously and thought, "yeah he's got a good point there, I absolutely agree with him" but this post hit me in the feels. Fuck man, is 31 really considered middle aged?!?.


Molten Core Raider
Nah you've got a solid 3 or maybe even 4 years before you are middle aged


Molten Core Raider
I think middle aged hits everyone a but differently, including the time they hit it. I definitely consider myself middle aged, though I know some people 5-10 years older than me that are still physically and mentally in their mid 20s, and the women they're hooking up with it show it


<Silver Donator>
I experienced some slowing down at 30 but I consider 40 to be the middle-aged threshold. The main thing I have noticed about it is that it takes half as much beer to make you fat and twice as much work at the gym to lose it. Not much change in libido or reaction to a nice pair of tatas from 25.


Vyemm Raider
Every single other post breaking my balls I took graciously and thought, "yeah he's got a good point there, I absolutely agree with him" but this post hit me in the feels. Fuck man, is 31 really considered middle aged?!?.
Your avatar is middle aged, dress for the job you want !


Trakanon Raider
I was just there a couple weeks ago. I'll spend one of my weekends up there in July as well, I'd be down to hang with whatever Rerolled folks are around for sure. The irony when I survive all the lady drama, only to be killed by one of you is just too tempting.

I'll look at a calendar and start up a thread, maybe we could get a few of us together, and I could drink free all night :p

Hey Julian, fix it with this nurse and I'll fly you both out for the weekend. Tell her I'm your brother in arms.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I think it's about time for Julian's nurse friend to contact him back. Julian what did she say?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I'm betting the rape/physical harm allegations, or pregnancy announcements are forthcoming. She'll probably go soft at first, similar to Onoes' chick, but if Julian sticks to his guns and ignores the psycho, I expect full reactor meltdown.


<Prior Amod>
I was just there a couple weeks ago. I'll spend one of my weekends up there in July as well, I'd be down to hang with whatever Rerolled folks are around for sure. The irony when I survive all the lady drama, only to be killed by one of you is just too tempting.

I'll look at a calendar and start up a thread, maybe we could get a few of us together, and I could drink free all night :p

Hey Julian, fix it with this nurse and I'll fly you both out for the weekend. Tell her I'm your brother in arms.
When is your next conference with married and awkward chick?


I think middle aged hits everyone a but differently, including the time they hit it. I definitely consider myself middle aged, though I know some people 5-10 years older than me that are still physically and mentally in their mid 20s, and the women they're hooking up with it show it
Yeah. The big difference these days is that health and nutrition (for those that can afford it) are really cutting off the years as people start pushing 40+.

I'll define middle age as when adults stop looking mature, and begin to look old. I guess that's fair enough. Slouchy faces/bellies/bottoms, overall haggardness of person and being. Gen Xers are drifting into this category, and even the ancient health practices back then are paying off for a lot of them now.

Sure, genes are responsible for most of the aging process post 40, but health and nutrition are pushing it out by 3-5 years, and it'll only get better for the younger folks out there. 3-5 years might not sound like much, but when you can see the horizon of your life for the first time in your life, this can be pretty important.

I'm not middle aged, then, though chronologically, I am. I won't cop to my exact age, but it's between 40-42. I look (and feel) quitea lotyounger than this...that's all genes. Diet, I am sure, helps. I make from scratch most (95%) of the stuff I eat, and I don't pack my gullet like a pig when I do eat. I also smoke like a fish and drink like a fire hydrant, so that helps, also.

The only big downside I've experienced so far was early onset presbyopia at 38. Common on both sides of the family at that age, but a real bummer nonetheless.

There are other lots of upsides to getting older that no magazine article really tells you about.

- With age comes wisdom. Sounds trite, but it's true. Simple life problems that used to befuddle me at 25 are a snap-cinch to figure out now. Also, this is one of the few areas where a positive feedback loop can form. Wisdom + smarts feed off of themselves and get BETTER. Not that I am way smarter or more wise, but things of any nature are a cinch to figure out now. Thinking is just so much easier, faster, and clearer than ever before.

- Sex. Vastly better than ever before. I still have the same libido as I did when I was 20, and my staying power is the same. The big change is that I'm there for her, not me, and my orgasms aren't what puts the biggest scores up on the charts. Another rare instance of a positive feedback loop here; the more I do for her, the more she does for me. There was a some of that in my early 30's, but this is much different. This I attribute to her, not my genes or anything...just the wisdom and patience not to be selfish. Gifts for her make her feel sexy; not like a sex object. She's almost with me on the tights are sexy thing on the rare-but-not-too rare drop from an epic mob, and she's fully warmed up to sexy heels

- Strength. Men get stronger as they age, sometimes up into their 60's. I'm only 40ish, but I'm so much stronger than my 30ish self that the difference is pretty noticeable.

- Other stuff, like being more patient and much slower to have emotional reactions to things. This ties in to wisdom thing, but it's separate enough to warrant its own plus. I've never been easily angered or prone to emotional outbursts, but now I can easily see that not sweating the small stuff is a pretty important mantra, and that realization itself makes interpersonal relationships about 1000x easier.

- Not giving two shits about the accumulation of toys/wealth/pointless shit. All that became pretty secondary to having good relationships with loved ones. I still love boats and things, but only in the context of what they can offer in terms of how they can boost interpersonal relationships. Accumulation of financial security takes precedence at my age....not only for me, but for my family. Thou, aAlexander Schleicherisn't too far out once I get some other things squared away.

- I'm a pretty decent cook. It took me 20 years, but I no longer burn a bowl of rice krispies when I make it.

Downsides of getting old:

- Thou not so much a problem anymore, but buying stuff for me comes dead last in the order of buying stuff.

- Grey hairs on the nuts. Seems weird seeing salt & pepper on the frank & beans.

- Hairy frank & beans. Seriously hairy. It's not so bad keeping the pubes trimmed, but the grass is creeping up the side of the building. I'm not a seriously hung pornstar of a man, so my wee 7.5ish is going to have to go in for permanent hair removal. On the shaft. Horrible stuff. I tried to sell it to my GF that she could floss at the same time, but no go.

- GF is putting the kibosh on my getting soused out of my nuts, thou I only do it here and there. Two more weeks of party time, then the party is over. A little bit of oxy with the booze makes saying goodbye a lot easier. Tonight is only the second time I've mixed them, but...whoooo, fabulous. FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbulous. Plus for RR is that you won't have to sit through some of my shit posts like this one.


Yeah, not sure what this adds to my alcohol/oxy blibber-blabber, but my GF and I own our own homes and live apart 90% of the time. She comes over 2-3 times for lunch during the week and stays over Saturday for some lovin. This alone colors much of our relationship on the HAPPY shade of things; most of her life is hers, and most of my life is mine.

I'm not sure what this is doing here. It had a point somewhere.