Marriage and the Power of Divorce


A Mod Real Quick
I am still bitter that my cousin sat my wife and I and at the kids table (teenagers) at his wedding when I was 30. That was 5 years ago, sure I am not talking shit beyond this forum but still.
Yeah but that's a little different.. I'd probably be upset over something like that.

We had 3 seats on the main floor that we had to move upstairs (overlooking the balcony) because my grandmother was very ill. My aunt and her 2 daughters left within an hour of the reception and never even said bye.. now I find out they've been talking all this shit about it. To quote a doctor on this:

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks


A Mod Real Quick
It's ok.. I actually highly dislike or even hate many of my family members so I am ok with it. They gave me a collective check for $35 as a gift


Musty Nester
Admittedly my elope idea is primo, but you still shouldn't be depressed just because it's good advice come too late.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Death scares the fuck out of me too. I think I'm going to give up smoking pot because lately when I smoke it's just one big existential crisis for me. Last night I got stoned and just remember thinking about why the hell do I want to have kids since it's just bringing another feeling, thinking, and breathing person into this dead end existence. Pretty fucking depressing. Also think about how at some point I will be completely forgotten and that bugs the shit out of me.

But seriously, irrespective of religion life these days is so great. Maybe it's just the gamer and roboticist and futurist in me but our age is so exciting and the future is so bright. All my career, relationships, health etc etc is framed by the fact that technology is cool and the better it gets the more fun I have.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The crazy got turned all the way up last night with my wife. She's pregnant so I guess it's expected?

On my way home from work, we decide I'm going to pick up my stay at home wife/son a Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread, and drop it off, then I'm going to go out and buy a 2nd PS3 controller and get me some froyo for dinner. Wasn't hungry and a big pile of froyo with fresh fruit sounded bomb for dinner. Wife says you better get me some, and I bitch and moan. Get off the phone and mind you, I never said I would, never said I wouldn't get her some.

I didn't get her any, and the night was so tense I pretty much avoided her all night. Until later we are about to go to bed, and she's like my feelings are really hurt you didn't get me any froyo!

Oh boy, here it comes...

I explain to her that I was hot, frustrated, tired from work, and froyo places don't have bags, have a million flavors and toppings, and I didn't feel like dealing with figuring all that shit out so you could get some froyo.

Wrong thing to say gentlemen, wrong thing!! This immediately was interpreted as I don't care about her, and she doesn't matter, and even if just for 30 seconds, when will be the next time I don't care about her, and if I ever want a divorce, just say she doesn't matter again and it will be over. wtf?

I had told her earlier in the evening after I had gotten home that now that I'm home, have eaten, and relaxed a bit I was more than willing to go back out and get her a treat. She said, if I was too much of a hassle then, I'm just as much of a hassle now, so don't even bother. This should have been my clue more was to come later that night.

I actually thought at some point last night, about how on here, people were saying you can't give in all the time. That it's healthy for the relationship to sometimes so "No". Not sure if I chose the right situation for this.

Well bros, it's all resolved, I calmed her down, re-assured her that she does matter, just not about ice cream, and she punched me, and said whatever jerk, and we hugged and all is better.

Yay Pregnancy?


Unelected Mod

But seriously, irrespective of religion life these days is so great. Maybe it's just the gamer and roboticist and futurist in me but our age is so exciting and the future is so bright. All my career, relationships, health etc etc is framed by the fact that technology is cool and the better it gets the more fun I have.
Not all atheists feel that way. I certainly agree with everything you said. Life is pretty awesome these days and only looking to get better.

Julian needs to read more christopher hitchens if he is getting depressed. Life has plenty of meaning without religion, as he points out many times in his books.


Molten Core Raider
Holy Christ man, you went to a frozen yogurt/ice cream place and didn't get your pregnant wife anything? You're lucky you are still alive.


Molten Core Raider
You are supposed to acquire perspective and wisdom as you get older and I feel like I am, but then I talk to people in their 70s and 80s who seem as dumb as teenagers and that really bothers me.
Maybe the cool people die young or just keep their traps shut. There are plenty of retards that are in their 20s and 30s I meet on a daily basis that say the same kinda non sense. I don't think age has anything to do with it really.



Got something right about marriage
The crazy got turned all the way up last night with my wife. She's pregnant so I guess it's expected?

On my way home from work, we decide I'm going to pick up my stay at home wife/son a Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread, and drop it off, then I'm going to go out and buy a 2nd PS3 controller and get me some froyo for dinner. Wasn't hungry and a big pile of froyo with fresh fruit sounded bomb for dinner. Wife says you better get me some, and I bitch and moan. Get off the phone and mind you, I never said I would, never said I wouldn't get her some.

I didn't get her any, and the night was so tense I pretty much avoided her all night. Until later we are about to go to bed, and she's like my feelings are really hurt you didn't get me any froyo!

Oh boy, here it comes...

I explain to her that I was hot, frustrated, tired from work, and froyo places don't have bags, have a million flavors and toppings, and I didn't feel like dealing with figuring all that shit out so you could get some froyo.

Wrong thing to say gentlemen, wrong thing!! This immediately was interpreted as I don't care about her, and she doesn't matter, and even if just for 30 seconds, when will be the next time I don't care about her, and if I ever want a divorce, just say she doesn't matter again and it will be over. wtf?

I had told her earlier in the evening after I had gotten home that now that I'm home, have eaten, and relaxed a bit I was more than willing to go back out and get her a treat. She said, if I was too much of a hassle then, I'm just as much of a hassle now, so don't even bother. This should have been my clue more was to come later that night.

I actually thought at some point last night, about how on here, people were saying you can't give in all the time. That it's healthy for the relationship to sometimes so "No". Not sure if I chose the right situation for this.

Well bros, it's all resolved, I calmed her down, re-assured her that she does matter, just not about ice cream, and she punched me, and said whatever jerk, and we hugged and all is better.

Yay Pregnancy?
Why the fuck wouldn't you just buy your pregnant wife some froyo? You can't honestly be that goddamn dramatic "Waaaah I had a long day, carrying a froyo home would be terrible". You deserved that one man.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Wife says you better get me some, and I bitch and moan. Get off the phone and mind you, I never said I would, never said I wouldn't get her some.

I didn't get her any
Yeah I side with your wife on this one.

I've always kept a pretty disciplined stance with my wife, ensuring I'm not her bitch and that she's self-sufficient and independent. But that all changed when she got pregnant (13 weeks now). Now my job is reducing her stress which given the amount of nausea she gets regularly and can only eat specific random foods involves a lot of spontaneous trips to the store and restaurants. So yeah, if you're going out to get some sweets and your wife asks you to pick up one for her and you return with only some for yourself you fucked up. Especially if she's pregnant.

The Ancient_sl

The crazy got turned all the way up last night with my wife. She's pregnant so I guess it's expected?

On my way home from work, we decide I'm going to pick up my stay at home wife/son a Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread, and drop it off, then I'm going to go out and buy a 2nd PS3 controller and get me some froyo for dinner. Wasn't hungry and a big pile of froyo with fresh fruit sounded bomb for dinner. Wife says you better get me some, and I bitch and moan. Get off the phone and mind you, I never said I would, never said I wouldn't get her some.

I didn't get her any, and the night was so tense I pretty much avoided her all night. Until later we are about to go to bed, and she's like my feelings are really hurt you didn't get me any froyo!

Oh boy, here it comes...

I explain to her that I was hot, frustrated, tired from work, and froyo places don't have bags, have a million flavors and toppings, and I didn't feel like dealing with figuring all that shit out so you could get some froyo.

Wrong thing to say gentlemen, wrong thing!! This immediately was interpreted as I don't care about her, and she doesn't matter, and even if just for 30 seconds, when will be the next time I don't care about her, and if I ever want a divorce, just say she doesn't matter again and it will be over. wtf?

I had told her earlier in the evening after I had gotten home that now that I'm home, have eaten, and relaxed a bit I was more than willing to go back out and get her a treat. She said, if I was too much of a hassle then, I'm just as much of a hassle now, so don't even bother. This should have been my clue more was to come later that night.

I actually thought at some point last night, about how on here, people were saying you can't give in all the time. That it's healthy for the relationship to sometimes so "No". Not sure if I chose the right situation for this.

Well bros, it's all resolved, I calmed her down, re-assured her that she does matter, just not about ice cream, and she punched me, and said whatever jerk, and we hugged and all is better.

Yay Pregnancy?
Self-centered much?


<Bronze Donator>
Not enough protein in froyo, you probably didn't hit your protein macro for the day either. Fails all around.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
- With age comes wisdom. Sounds trite, but it's true. Simple life problems that used to befuddle me at 25 are a snap-cinch to figure out now. Also, this is one of the few areas where a positive feedback loop can form. Wisdom + smarts feed off of themselves and get BETTER. Not that I am way smarter or more wise, but things of any nature are a cinch to figure out now. Thinking is just so much easier, faster, and clearer than ever before.
I usually find this reasoning a little misguided or even self-aggrandizing. From my limited experience it's not necessarily age alone that brings about wisdom but life-changing experiences. Whether it's getting fired, losing a loved one, having kids, seriously injuring yourself/others, becoming homeless etc there are serious consequences to be had for childish behavior that will serve to make one more wise.

I don't know you personally, but often when I hear people talk about how wise they are because of age they're usually full of shit and are just trying to make themselves feel better about being old.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
The crazy got turned all the way up last night with my wife. She's pregnant so I guess it's expected?

On my way home from work, we decide I'm going to pick up my stay at home wife/son a Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread, and drop it off, then I'm going to go out and buy a 2nd PS3 controller and get me some froyo for dinner. Wasn't hungry and a big pile of froyo with fresh fruit sounded bomb for dinner. Wife says you better get me some, and I bitch and moan. Get off the phone and mind you, I never said I would, never said I wouldn't get her some.

I didn't get her any, and the night was so tense I pretty much avoided her all night. Until later we are about to go to bed, and she's like my feelings are really hurt you didn't get me any froyo!

Oh boy, here it comes...

I explain to her that I was hot, frustrated, tired from work, and froyo places don't have bags, have a million flavors and toppings, and I didn't feel like dealing with figuring all that shit out so you could get some froyo.

Wrong thing to say gentlemen, wrong thing!! This immediately was interpreted as I don't care about her, and she doesn't matter, and even if just for 30 seconds, when will be the next time I don't care about her, and if I ever want a divorce, just say she doesn't matter again and it will be over. wtf?

I had told her earlier in the evening after I had gotten home that now that I'm home, have eaten, and relaxed a bit I was more than willing to go back out and get her a treat. She said, if I was too much of a hassle then, I'm just as much of a hassle now, so don't even bother. This should have been my clue more was to come later that night.

I actually thought at some point last night, about how on here, people were saying you can't give in all the time. That it's healthy for the relationship to sometimes so "No". Not sure if I chose the right situation for this.

Well bros, it's all resolved, I calmed her down, re-assured her that she does matter, just not about ice cream, and she punched me, and said whatever jerk, and we hugged and all is better.

Yay Pregnancy?
Agree with wife, you dun goofed.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Though your wife's reaction was overly dramatic and exaggerated, there's no reason you couldn't have gotten her a froyo. It wasn't even a matter of you being tired after work and her asking you to go halfway across town to get her a yogurt, you were ALREADY wanting to lol. Seems plenty dickish to me. So while you didn't deserve her crazy level reaction, you nevertheless invited some form of retribution by being a dick.