Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Vyemm Raider
The crazy got turned all the way up last night with my wife. She's pregnant so I guess it's expected?

On my way home from work, we decide I'm going to pick up my stay at home wife/son a Little Caesar's pizza and crazy bread, and drop it off, then I'm going to go out and buy a 2nd PS3 controller and get me some froyo for dinner. Wasn't hungry and a big pile of froyo with fresh fruit sounded bomb for dinner. Wife says you better get me some, and I bitch and moan. Get off the phone and mind you, I never said I would, never said I wouldn't get her some.

I didn't get her any, and the night was so tense I pretty much avoided her all night. Until later we are about to go to bed, and she's like my feelings are really hurt you didn't get me any froyo!

Oh boy, here it comes...

I explain to her that I was hot, frustrated, tired from work, and froyo places don't have bags, have a million flavors and toppings, and I didn't feel like dealing with figuring all that shit out so you could get some froyo.

Wrong thing to say gentlemen, wrong thing!! This immediately was interpreted as I don't care about her, and she doesn't matter, and even if just for 30 seconds, when will be the next time I don't care about her, and if I ever want a divorce, just say she doesn't matter again and it will be over. wtf?

I had told her earlier in the evening after I had gotten home that now that I'm home, have eaten, and relaxed a bit I was more than willing to go back out and get her a treat. She said, if I was too much of a hassle then, I'm just as much of a hassle now, so don't even bother. This should have been my clue more was to come later that night.

I actually thought at some point last night, about how on here, people were saying you can't give in all the time. That it's healthy for the relationship to sometimes so "No". Not sure if I chose the right situation for this.

Well bros, it's all resolved, I calmed her down, re-assured her that she does matter, just not about ice cream, and she punched me, and said whatever jerk, and we hugged and all is better.

Yay Pregnancy?
You were wrong, if I asked my wife to get me a treat while at the treat store and she simply did not because " ice cream is hard" I would have flipped my shit.


Molten Core Raider
If this girl is great in bed regularly, imagine how the makeup sex is. Do it. Just remove all sharp objects and make sure her purse is in another room.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I am going to echo I want Jules to fuck her again for my own sake. Jules take one for the team.


A Mod Real Quick
Let me be the voice of reason - don't fuck her. Clearly there are major issues here and I'd have a real hard time taking advantage of that.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'd get an std test. She'd fuck a cactus with leprosy to get back at some lover who didn't get her frozen yogurt.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I've put up with some pretty intense crazy, but holy shit, nothing that comes close to this chick. This story has gone from funny/awesome to creepy to downright frightening.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've put up with some pretty intense crazy, but holy shit, nothing that comes close to this chick. This story has gone from funny/awesome to creepy to downright frightening.
Oh no, this is still very funny/awesome! haha


<Prior Amod>
I'd get an std test. She'd fuck a cactus with leprosy to get back at some lover who didn't get her frozen yogurt.
This. Who knows what dicks she's been sitting on and has been sitting on since all this went down in order to fill her need for attention?


Buzzfeed Editor
I just imagine this chick sitting outside Julian's window, right now, checking her phone for a message that will never come, just going fucking insane with rage and frustration. Shit is hilarious, but only because I can actually sleep at night secure that there is no crazy bitch squatting in my bushes waiting to kill me.


Trakanon Raider
If you have any voyeur fantasies Julian, here is your opportunity. Go open your blinds, and just stand in your window and stroke that thing. Maybe she's out there. Give the girl a show. Everyone wins!


Life's a Dream
(here's what I imagine will happen).

*knock knock knock*
<Julian answers the door and notices crazy chick standing there.>
Crazy chick: "I... I didn't like how we ended things. I'm really sorry about all of that. I just wanted to give you a final goodbye blowjob. You don't even need to reciprocate. I just want to make you feel good, and then I'll leave."

Ok, that's it. Julian, if the shit happens, it's probably a trap. You might still enjoy it, but maybe also fear she's going to chew down if you don't say that you love her or something. I'm at a crossroads with what crazy will actually do. I haven't had the honor of dealing with this in my own life.


Bronze Squire
Everytime I'm like " damn 30 pages to catch up fuck that shit !" But then i catch up and I'm glad I did.

Julian just show us a blurred face fb pic pls !


Trakanon Raider
What the fuck Onoes? If you want to talk like that, take to the discussion about froyo toppings.
I've had a busy week! As I caught up on all the pages I was behind on (from like 2 days afk) I wanted to comment like crazy, but every discussion was past. My bad.

Also I pre-cum like a leaky faucet. I've had several girls tell me that they've never seen anyone cum some much, and one who told me that this was the first time she's ever swallowed, and it was only because she felt like she had swallowed a gallon of precum during the blowjob, so what was a little more?

And there's your daily dose of "Way the fuck more than I needed to know." You're welcome.