Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Trakanon Raider
And Julian, Thursday night I went out drinking with friends, ended up at a different bar with some random guy I went to high school with about 1am. He invited me out to the back patio of this place where he was drinking with friends. I go out back, its 7 girls and him. 3 were smoking hot, 4 were vile beasts. We both sit down, and they are all talking, he makes no introductions, and after maybe 20 seconds, I just jump into their conversation like I know them or what they are talking about.

One girl ends her sentence with "....and you know how Andrew is, of all the doctors there, he's the last one you want to piss off."
I jump in with "Yeah, tell me about it, I've never seen Dr Andrews smile, and I'm practically related to him!" or something like that.

They all start laughing, and one says "Who is this?", the guy introduces me and then says "These are my co-workers, soandso, etc".

I say "Coworkers? Where do you all work?"

One of them "The hospital, we're all nurses."

I just burst out laughing, because I had caught up on all Julians story right before I left, and I threw my fingers up in a cross/ward off evil gesture at the lot of them and said "Ohh shit NURSES! What have I gotten myself into, I've heard some crazy stories about you lot."

And one of the girls shouted "ALL TRUE!"

Drank with them for 2 hours. They ended up being rather boring, and two of the fat ones were giant bitches. Also, every single one was smoking, and I found that super odd.


Got something right about marriage
That's her, on his computer, with his bloody corpse in a closet, googling all of us and finding out where we live. This could be the end of rerolled.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
1:22 PM - every line is a text, my only reply is 3rd line

why don u come pick up this fan?
i don't want to keep your stuff honestly
Keep it or throw it out. - This was my reply
How you treated me is awful
thanks for lying to me
and u have no respect for me
I think ur doing drugs and drinking a lot
all you wanted was to have sex from me
u seemed really fucked up wednesday night
I'm going up to ur house to drop it off
i don't want to keep your stuff
im not going up there again
I'm on my way to ur house for the last time
w ur fan
i don't want anything to do w u
good luck w ur ex wife
and whomever else
for u
I have no forgiveness
i wish i never met u
I'm on my way to ur house to drop this off
u have a drug and alcohol problem
which I'm now aware of
I hate u
I will be at ur house in 25 min for the last time
ur shit will be outside kitchen door
I don't want to hear from you the rest of my life
thanks for wasting my time
drugs and alcohol have more importance to ur life
and ur ex wife
u never wanted to b w me
i was just someone to brag to w ur friends
and family
you can tell the, i hate u
and won't ever forgive you
ur killing yourself just so your aware
i don't want one message or call from you again
ur fan is outside the kitchen don't contact me again in my life and i will never forgive you
If I got this string of texts, I would want to reply with this:

ur right about everything
i just wanted 2 fuck
i like fucking with my drugs and alcohol
i can't date u cuz ur fat and dumb
thanks 4 the pussy ho
it wasn't 2 bad


Musty Nester
That is so fucked up.

Sometimes I feel like maybe I don't try hard enough with women, ya know? But then I see some genuinelyretardedshit like that... and, nah. I'm good.


> Than U
40 hours with no update. He is banging her again, or taking a acid bath while she browses Rerolled for fun on his account.

Either way I shall pour out half my green tea to honor you Julian.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
Haven't heard from her since friday. She works two 12 hr shifts this weekend so I'm hoping the crazy doesn't start back up tomorrow when she has more time to think.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Show up at her job with a dozen roses in your hand. Walk straight into her station. Walk right past her and give them to some random woman.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
So what's the hidden meaning behind your GF/Wife asking for "help" every five minutes. This weekend was incessant -- "hey, can you come help me with the groceries?", "hey, can you come help me with the remote, it's not working", "hey, can you help me wash the dog NOW", "hey, can you look up on the internet when X store closes?". Every time I sat down to play some Hearthstone came another "hey, can you help me". Drives me nuts, I don't ask help for anything beyond whether the tie I chose matches my shirt.


Bronze Squire
My wife is opposite. She rarely asks for help, even if she's struggling with something. Even after I offer help, she's reticent to accept it most times. Chicks are crazy, who knows?


<Silver Donator>
My wife does both. She can be very chore-focused, hard-headed and independent on some tasks but she'll ask me to random shit, regardless of whether I am already busy doing something else and/or she is perfectly capable of completing the requested task herself. "Honey, can you stop what you're doing and go unplug the vacuum cleaner I am using and plug it on over there?"

My impression has always been that it has something to do with showing her in some trivial way that you are engaged and committed. You are participating and supporting her in whatever endeavor.