You of course are right, as you all are. There's no excuse for putting up with a screaming banshee. I guess the main reason why I've held on is that with the exception of these "hulk rage" sessions when she drinks, she's otherwise normal. I convinced myself if I could get the occasional drinking issue under control, things would be ok, but the reality is that she still slips every few months, and simply the "looming specter" of having to deal with this craziness has made marriage an impossibility in my eyes. She's basically an 8 that lets me play video games, smoke weed to deal with my insomnia, is as much of a homebody as I am, isn't religious, isn't looking to take early retirement at my expense, and doesn't drag me to every work/social event she's involved in.And yes, I realize these are not necessarily "good" reasons to keep a relationship together lol, but finding women that are "cool" in this way (especially in Dallas) is pretty tough.