What you should consider is the case if you are successful. So you manage to smooth this out and two weeks from now it's back to how it was two weeks ago.
What about next time it happens? How many times is too many? There's not really a right or wrong answer, maybe this sort of turbulence is exactly proper. Maybe she just freaked. Maybe all she wanted was a six week vacation. Who knows. It sounds like she might not, even. You're not a deluded beta pussy if you decide to chase her down but what you catch is probably not what you think you're chasing.
Careful with that one young skywalker. There is no can or can not -- there is only try.
I completely understand what you're saying, and it's something I was saying friends this evening. Even if she called me back tomorrow, and said it was all a mistake and she wanted to get back together, as appealing as that is to me right now, there would always be a part of me that's not fully committing from this point forward. Once I've learned that she's capable of hurting me in this way, I'm going to try to protect against that, so I'm never going to be able to be as close as I was before. I'm sure not everybody is like that, but I really do take something from my experiences. I know when I got divorced and I said I wasn't ever going to get married again I got a lot of flack, people saying we'll see how I feel in a couple years excetera excetera, but yeah, I won't ever get married again. And now, after this, I'm not ever going to be able to fully believe her again, so even if we get back together, it's not going to be the same relationship, I understand that.
I totally ran into her tonight. This afternoon I went to a friends house, it's a married couple, and my friend Julie went ahead and gave me a haircut, and bleach the roots of my horns, something I haven't done in months and it was getting really noticeable. Anyway, they invited me to go to dinner with them,so I did. While we were at dinner a friend from out of town called, and said he was in town we should go drinking. The four of us went to a bar in town, and then we ended up at a wine bar where we met a couple more friends and hung out all night. The wine bar closed at midnight, and the married couple went home, while my friend asked if I could drive him to his hotel. I said sure, and started to drive him, and he asked if we could stop and have one more drink at some seedy bar in town. I said sure and we pulled into a bar. Went inside, and lo and behold there's the girl that dumped me last night. I just kind of waved when I walked past her, she was hanging out with three of her girlfriends, and we got to the bar and ordered a drink. She came over to me and said she was taking off and asked who I was with and just chatted for a second, and my friend Brian asked her if this was super awkward, and she said no.anyway she hugged me and left, nothing exciting or anything, I just got home, and I'm dictating all this into my phone, laying in bed, still a little bit drunk, so cut me some slack. But yeah she was totally cool tonight, really super weird that I ran into her at midnight, but it was total random chance. I'm going to assume she's going to think I intentionally track her down or something, but it really didn't happen that way. Anyway I'm going to bed now, I just thought I would check the thread before I went to bed and wanted to say that I agreed, about it being a different relationship now than what it was before.