Trakanon Raider
Right, because I have kids with her, and I like to keep everything amicable. If the children were not in the picture, I would have nothing to do with her. I still get along with her, but when I look at what my relationship with her is like, what it's been like for years, and compare that to my current relationship, I see that I'm just not very found of the person she is. Now, I still think she's a good human being, and that she is a good mother to my kids, we just have nothing in common anymore.Wait, what? I thought you guys were total buds and shit? Haven't you been talking about helping her move and getting along astoundingly well?
As far as waiting until you are 30, yeah, I can support that. The thing was, when I was in my late teens and early twenties, everyone I knew was getting married and having kids. I was years behind everyone else. At 23 I met an 18 year old girl who was vastly more mature than the girls my age, and to top it off, she was the first person I had ever met that was as optimistic and just as naturally positive as I was. It seemed like a perfect match. Within 2 years we were getting married, although we would wait another 4 before deciding to have kids. By this point, most of my friends had been married, sometimes several times, with multiple kids. If anything, I felt like I had waited too long, as was behind the curve.
So yeah, no one ever told me that people change a lot in their late twenties. Even if they had, I wouldn't have listened I'm sure, because we would be the one success story no doubt, FOR REALS.
Even now, that mid 20's "I need to be an adult" stick up the ass, time to get serious bug just never bit me. I travel and see friends who live out of state, friends I haven't seen in 10 years, and they say "Wow, you are the exact same guy, its crazy." and I go "Yeah, and here you are all grown up!" or some nonsense, which is really just code for "You seem fucking miserable, crushed as a person, and absolutely no fun at all to be around, I'm so glad I didn't ever turn into that."
But yeah, anyway. Hindsight is 20/20 and all of that. It seemed like a good idea at the time, it was good for a few years, then my ex wife decided to be a grown up. I'm having people over for board games, going to see shows, traveling, and most of all- just laughing and smiling. Thats what I'm into. She's super serious about yoga, and doing the next Tough Mudder, and being into very obscure music while sipping wine and eating gluten free crackers by herself. Thats what makes her happy. She's very serious and health conscious and wants to be alone to discover herself. I just like to surround myself with people and laugh.
Thats what I mean when I say I don't like the person she's become. Not that she's awful, just that I want to roll my eyes at her every time she opens her mouth, while she wants to lecture me about finding my spirituality or something.
On a side note, I just hit 6 weeks with the girl I've been seeing. So far, 100% perfect. No exciting stories. Wah wah.