Here's what just happened with the woman I was dating until today at a friend's house:
We had a minor blow up because she felt disrespected by me because some guy I barely know was talking shit to her while we were playing some backyard games. The name of the game is Cornhole (yes, that's actually the name of the game) and he cracked a joke, trying to get in her head, about how he heard she loves it in the cornhole. She assumed I'm mouthing off about our sex life because she does, indeed, love it in the cornhole. This leads to an issue a few hours later where she is pissed but I have no idea why because I didn't think that comment rattled her. It ends up escalating but she refuses to tell me what's going on so we leave.
In the car she tells me I'm an asshole for telling the world about our sex life. I let her know I didn't tell this guy shit about our sex life, he was playing on the name of the game and talking shit so you'd miss your shot. I can't help that and if what he said bothered her she should have said something to him or pulled me aside instead of giving me the finger, mouthing "fuck you" and then refusing to tell me why she was pissed (I didn't hear all of this happening). She starts getting into it about how that particular group of friends is inappropriate and disrespectful to women (they are), a conversation we've had before where I agreed with her and told her I would talk to them (I did) and if it happens again either tell them it's over the line or pull me aside and tell me, but this had nothing to do with them. It was someone I barely know.
Here's where shit gets fucked up. She then told me that one of my friends groped her chest and her ass when they were standing next to each other playing the game. He didn't. I let her know I knew she was lying. She said "Well he didn't touch me, but he talked about it". Again, I told her I knew he didn't and that she was full of shit. I also let her know that lying about something like that is a very serious thing that could sever friendships and ultimately change someone's life. She became indignant that I don't respect her.
So to win an argument, she accused my friend of sexually assaulting her. And when confronted with her lie she doubled down and never even attempted to apologize. That is until she went through the five stages of grief when I let her know she and I were done.