Yeah I was referencing chaos' suggestion that I was concealing the fact that I am married. I didnt think it was necessary to ever bring it up since I was not planning on developing any sort emotional attachments. In hindsight, that was a stupid fucking thing to do and that is why I tried rectifying it yesterday. As for me flip flopping constantly, after I do my whole "woe is me!" shit here, I go and talk to her and everything flips upside down and I am back here again with the same cry baby shit.Not that a forever alone basement dweller is any more of an authority on the subject, but he's only right when he points out that you deliberately concealed your marriage. The rest of his post sounds like an escape of pent up bitterness from the way his own home life is circling the bowl. Married or not, you've been with your wife for 9 years, that's not something you lightly toss away because you're infatuated with a classmate.
I will say it's funny how you seem to have an epiphany about this every day though. Yesterday you were like you guys are right, I need to calm down and let this go, and tonight you're more like 'i think this chick is my soulmate'.
And yes I know I should stop talking to her. But this girl scratches an itch that not a soul around me is even close to touching. Yesterday was a great example of this. There was no school yesterday so we just talked in text from 5 pm to 5 am, a few messages a minute, every minute. Not counting the brief digression into life stories, we started off talking about system theory and the connection to non reductionism, which flowed into a discussion on emergent properties and we ended up 12 hours later dissecting Tarkovsky's Solaris and the effects of conscious manipulations of association patterns in the brain on overall views of reality. Yeah it sounds like a lot of pointless mental masturbation but I could have gone on for another 12 hours talking about it. And she was the one driving most of the conversation and every time this happens I am left in awe and want more and more. There is no one in my life that comes close to such levels of intellectual stimulation and no one around me that challenges my brain in such a way. This is the "connection" I keep rambling on about.
Its not like I have not been attracted to other women in the last 10 years. I have been and its never been an issue to just ignore it. If this was purely sexual, I would not be in this dilemma.I'm just fucking around in my post.I was serious about the deliberate withholding though.
Dude this sounds like straight up infatuation. Tons of married guys deal with this. Bottom line is that it wears off. You really do have a good thing with your wife and it is 100% certain that you will not feel the same about study girl down the road. Like I said, could be good or bad, idk, I can barely run my own life.
Jerking off before talking to her actually isn't a bad idea. It might help clear your head.
It probably would be easier to let it go and forget about her. But I cant shake the feeling that maybe I deserve to try something that feels life altering. Even if it ends up really bad.Basically there's multiple ways to regret going through with this. Its going to be a lot easier to live with letting her get away than to live with losing everything else when she turns out to be a pain in the ass. Stop trying to convince yourself there's something "wrong" with your marriage because you want this girl, its nonsense. Don't feel guilty or tell your wife either. But if you put this all behind you maybe try to make some changes, in addition to the the less porn/more sex, to get your marriage back in a space where you share some better quality times again.
Anyway, I am going to dial back on posting on this topic. If I post nothing more then I distanced myself from the study buddy but if i get pics of a threesome or ruin my life, I will update you guys on it. Thank you everyone who offered their help.