Development. So, I stopped by the courthouse last week to check on the status of my divorce, as all I'm left waiting for it the final date. They said the judge only schedules the hearings twice a month, so I would probably be getting one at either the end of the month, or the the start of next month, so right around 3 months with everything being done as fast and cooperatively as possible. As far as the wife front goes, everything is still pretty great, we are behaving towards each other as friends, so no issues there really.
So, as for the development. I've never had a Facebook account, because I thought of it as a waste of time and I just had no interest, plus, my wife had all of my family on hers, and so she would tell me anything that was relevant to me. Well, I figured I may as well start one up and reconnect with some people. Sure enough, I find 30-40 and another 20-30 find me. One night a few weeks ago I got in a conversation with a girl I went to high school with. I was surprised when she found me, as she was a bombshell in high school and I adored her, but we were at best acquaintances. Anyway, I commented on a post, that started a conversation and, every few days we have talked here or there since, pretty sporadic, but usually for around an hour or more back and forth when we do.
So, Tuesday night we are talking, and the conversation turns to sex. We talk and talk some more. The next morning I wake up to her leaving me a message that she can't believe I wasn't being taken care of, she's always had a huge crush on me, and if I want to get together sometime, she will make sure I'm not left wanting. So, I asked her out to dinner Thursday, we talked for a few hours, back to my house, and I don't know if it was the nerves or what, but I fucked for 2-3 hours straight. It was fantastic. We did everything (Except all the ass stuff I'm not into, sorry guys) and she was gorgeous and amazing. I'm super surprised this happened, although thrilled. Obviously I'm keeping this mostly quiet to avoid issues, but it was an awesome night, and we are getting together again in a couple of days. The nonstop texts of praise and compliments feel great in the meantime. Very, very cool.
I guess the moral is, I'm doing super well right now. Everythings going way better than I was expecting and add this on top of it, and yeah, I'm a happy camper.