I've sucked on a lemon before, and I'm not sure that I'd want a lemon sucking on my dick.I thought having my wife be a stay at home mom would net me a clean house, dinner when I got home, and dick suckings at the ready.
None of that is happening and it's irritating me. I don't get home until 7-7:30 and the house is usually a disaster and I need to cook and suck my own dick at the same time.
I think I married a lemon
Go on...do you know anyone that may be interested in cleaning buttholes for free?
How about this nugget of wisdom?Also INB4 someone says they warned me of this and I should divorce my shitty wife
Ya know, on the one hand, I'm sympathetic to her having to stay home with the kid all day, it's fucking maddening. Even when I worked at home permanently or work at home now and then now, I crave getting out and seeing some adults and having a few hours of quiet time. To be at home 24/7 with the kid would drive me batshit. I'm sure it's not great for her either.I've already voiced my concerns, so far there is no change. Although the other day I noticed her picking stuff up and she said something like "Better pick this up before your dad gets mad (to my son)"
My passive aggressive slamming around stuff as I pick it up might be working
I already did talk to her, where am I acting like a child? Should I gently close shit and walk around on my tiptoes picking up trash?Talk to your woman. Stop acting like a child. Taking care of kids is sucky work and wears one down. I value our day care more than anything. Maybe she's in over her head and needs some backup.
You know we only deal in absolutes and hyperbole is a lot more fun than real life. You'll probably get it worked out.I was just mildly venting anyways, it's not like I dread coming home or yell at her or anything.
Grow up?My passive aggressive slamming around stuff as I pick it up might be working
Nah, noodle is above tiptoeing around picking up trash. Goal post is being moved as we speak.Grow up?