Iannis_sl said:
Or else she's just been really coddled her entire life... and expects you to coddle her out of this. Which, you ain't her daddy. You ain't gonna do that. And you shouldn't. And now she's accepting that you're not gonna be doing that.
No, she's very independent. Moved out and moved away at 18 to go to college, supported herself mostly, yadda yadda. She's had very little handed to her, and it looks like she just can't cope if things are handed to her because she's so used to clawing her way to everything.
Iannis_sl said:
She doesn't wanna feel like a junior partner, and no matter how much you tell her that she isn't a junior partner she still feels like one. That's on her, that's completely on her. The absolute best thing that you did is to remind her, without any sort of fight or disagreement, that it is on her. If you fixed that problem for her then she would be a junior partner.
Yeah, more or less that. I don't think she's a junior partner, but that's how she feels and there's little I can do to convince her otherwise. She lays a massive guilt trip on herself because she's not paying rent or for groceries or whatever else.
Iannis_sl said:
Isn't she supposed to be some sort of Masters in Psych student? How does she not "get" that?
It's in child and education psychology, so not directly applicable, but yeah you'd think she'd be a bit more in touch with her thought processes about a few things being kind of bent. But you can say the same for just about anybody. We all have our hang ups about certain things. She did mention that she had booked a counselling appointment early in January to talk things out a bit with someone. She had seen someone a few times a year ago about anxiety issues (she did some sort of flashing light therapy shit, and has also been on fairly low strength medication of one sort or another since). Not sure if it's the same person or not. When I asked she said she hadn't talked to anyone else about our relationship or our issues, not even a close friend. Which struck me as a bit odd, as well. I'm not a big talker either, but I'd spoken with a couple of my good buds about what was going on over the past few months. You'd think she'd talk with a friend at least.
chthonic-anemos_sl said:
Now you know how she's talking about you to anyone who asks. She must have realized that other people would laugh in her face if she complained that you were too nice. So now you and your family are villains that she had to escape from.
Nah, she's not like that at all. When we first started dating she had only been out of her previous relationship a month or two and was still occasionally in touch with the ex to give stuff back, get mail and that kinda shit and she never really had much of anything bad to say about him. She came close a couple times, but overall she's a classy gal and isn't like that at all. Anyone who does try to pry with her that she's not willing to truly open up to, which would be basically everyone other than maybe a close friend or two and her family, would just get some vague short answers before she changed the subject.
Iannis_sl said:
I'm not running her down. It is a much more difficult thing to graciously receive a gift than it is to graciously give one. You know what i'm talking about if you think about it, it is truly humbling. She feels that the balance is off, and it probably is. But there ain't jack shit that you can do about that. That's just a thing that is. She either has to compensate, accept, or leave. Those are the choices.
Yeah, she tried to compensate by doing stuff around the house and overall being a great girlfriend with my family and friends all the time. And she did a good job of it, until the last few months, whether because she was exhausted by it or what. Kind of a chicken and egg thing, I guess, but suddenly my laundry wasn't getting done, she was cooking dinner less often, not making me lunches, etc etc. And she unfortunately seems incapable of just accepting it, as well. So door #3 it is!
Daly_sl said:
She breaks down and begins to tell me she's been in love with her boss, who is married.
Shit bro, that's fucked. And I'm sorry to say, that's a bit of a pick me up, personally. Bitches be crazy, but thankfully mine's an incredibly
nice, self repressedversion of crazy.