No one has asked for pics yet? What da fuck? Aliens have abducted a lot of posters.So bros, I'm at a critical juncture with the GF. We've been dating for over a year, we're both in our mid 30s, and I think both of us would prefer to know if we're moving forward or moving on. She's made it clear she'd prefer moving forward; the decision is in my lap.
The tl;dr is that our "friendship" chemistry is mediocre, her social awkwardness has made some friends & family lukewarm on her, and she's (for lack of better word) clingy. Meaning she's always pushing to be around me instead of pursuing her own interests/hobbies/friends/etc and balancing that with activities together; she tends to invite herself along to whatever I'm doing, regardless of my thoughts on the matter.
Significant positives are that she has a good career (read: makes money) and intends to stay in it, she's not dramatic, we line up well on the major issues (sex/money/kids/religion/etc) and we tend to compromise well (minus exception above).
I don't think the negatives are correctable (other than backing her off inviting herself to everything to some degree), so I have to decide if I want to deal with them long term or not. I'm leaning towards not. Not thrilled with the prospect of starting the process over, but I'm even less thrilled by setting myself up in a situation where I may become unhappy and should have seen it coming. I'm thinking any one of the three would be forgivable, but all 3 together tip the scales. I think there is a decent chance of regret, but I'm not sure it outweighs the chance of future unhappiness.
So, first off, post pics. Second, this sounds a lot like me and my wife. Biggest difference is that she understood and responded when I explained that a healthy relationship includes doing things together and pursuing our own hobbies. She had to force herself to back off, but she understood she was in danger of scaring me off. She said she understood she loved me more than I loved her and she was OK with that because I would come around. She was right too, I've realized since then that in any relationship the amount of love you feel for the other ebbs and flows. Sometimes I love her more, sometimes she loves me more.
My wife is also kind of socially awkward. In her case she has no tone control. Way too many things come out sounding bitchy. Like, I've seen a waitress and everyone else at the table recoil when she gave her drink order. Resting Bitch Voice is what I call it. You gotta be careful how you bring that stuff up, but I do sometimes and she tries to correct it. I also let her know when she does a good job with tone.
And finally about the running out of things to say, for me it's more accurate to say that I've run out of stories to tell her. I mean, sure I have a bunch she hasn't heard that involve strippers, hookers, and ex girlfriends, but she doesn't want to hear those. So I'm just waiting for old age when she forgets them and I can tell the clean ones again. Sitting together in silence is perfectly fine.