Marvel Universe stuff


Log Wizard
and it stars Pedro Pascal!

like every other movie.
Pedro Pascal is a great actor, look at him in Game of Thrones
But yeah, he is a bit (lot) over exposed now days.

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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Honestly, in a lot of ways it is given the way race tends to get defined, judged and used in society. That said, it's a long topic not appropriate for this thread, but the picard was pointed towards the idea of race being an objective or biological classification (what's white or not white has undergone many redefinitions throughout the years, same for a lot of races).

Well the attempts at redefinition are only relevant if you allow them to be. Almost all concepts have had attempts at redefinition lobbied against them over the past few decades, it seems it's a common occurrence in a deteriorating society. Just because retards yell something doesn't make it so.

Race was and is a manner of discussing extended genetic family connection one or two steps beyond traceable personal lineage (family tree) with ethnicity being the first useful step beyond, race being the final, and the obvious utility of categorizing that. If you don't think genetics is objective or biological then I'm not sure what to say.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Well the attempts at redefinition are only relevant if you allow them to be. Almost all concepts have had attempts at redefinition lobbied against them over the past few decades, it seems it's a common occurrence in a deteriorating society. Just because retards yell something doesn't make it so.

Race was and is a manner of discussing extended genetic family connection one or two steps beyond traceable personal lineage (family tree) with ethnicity being the first useful step beyond, race being the final, and the obvious utility of categorizing that. If you don't think genetics is objective or biological then I'm not sure what to say.
Because the concept of race based on genetics is essentially scientifically invalid/useless. People just use it as an arbitrary collection of phenotypes.

Level of generic variation between members and populations inside a racial group is much larger than between racial groups (and that is relatively small). Many of those genetic groupings do not actually align to socially understood racial groups and humans as a whole are over 99% the same genetically, so what are you really differentiating? Sub-Saharan Africa has more genetic diversity within it than the rest of the world combined. I doubt you think those are the only two races, even though genetically that's a more factual way of understanding.

Genetics is important and very useful but any hierarchy, lineage, or grouping based on the popular concept of race really doesn't make sense, especially in the aggregate. Culture, ethnicity, and environment are much more informative if you want generalizations.
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  • 1Worf
  • 1Seriously?
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Trakanon Raider
Whyyyyyyyyy? Fucking Disney. So many other actors could have played better Doom than him. He was awesome as Ironman but come on. You need someone serious to play Doom and I just can’t see him pulling off that role. Only thing pops on my mind this Doom is from an alternate universe (Earth 11029) where Tony Starks is Doom. More of that multiverse nonsense that Disney is milking the shit out of.
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what Suineg set it to
Hey guys you know that thing you like? What if we don't do that but instead take parts of it you like and do different things? Would that be worth your money???
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Avatar of War Slayer
I don't know why he would do this. It massively hurts his legacy. defining a character. The only way this makes any sense is they are making Doom a Tony variant. which is about the most retarded thing possible, so is 100% true, even if they insist its not. Khan, MJ, etc...

This is not remotely the same as Johnny storm becoming Cap.
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  • 1Worf
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Throbbing Member
I don't know why he would do this. It massively hurts his legacy. defining a character. The only way this makes any sense is they are making Doom a Tony variant. which is about the most retarded thing possible, so is 100% true, even if they insist its not. Khan, MJ, etc...

This is not remotely the same as Johnny storm becoming Cap.

Pay Day Money GIF
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't know why he would do this. It massively hurts his legacy. defining a character. The only way this makes any sense is they are making Doom a Tony variant. which is about the most retarded thing possible, so is 100% true, even if they insist its not. Khan, MJ, etc...

This is not remotely the same as Johnny storm becoming Cap.
There is an Iron Man "What If" where Viktor steals Tony's body and Tony ends up as Dr Doom. Or something like that.


Log Wizard
I don't know why he would do this. It massively hurts his legacy. defining a character. The only way this makes any sense is they are making Doom a Tony variant. which is about the most retarded thing possible, so is 100% true, even if they insist its not. Khan, MJ, etc...

This is not remotely the same as Johnny storm becoming Cap.
What legacy? These are capeshit movies and they all know it. Before Iron Man, RDJ was a broke wash up. He's now worth over a quarter billion from MCU. It is an easy bet they are going to drop $100MM in his lap up front for 3 more movies, and back end will easily triple that.

His legacy will be making HALF A BILLION+ take home after taxes from capeshit.
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