guess current line up would be
doc strange
banner hulk
falcon cap
shuri panther
clint hawkeye
warmachine (?)
they have to add some chicks
cap marvel - rambeau - walters hulk - valkyrie
b-team choices
shang chi
other can be replaced if young avengers isn't happening
iron heart
kate bishop
did i miss anyone? still have loki, moon knight and daredevil, but don't think they would fit. plus they could bring black widow and portman thor from the dead.
young avengers movie with 6 chicks would hilarious
Dr Strange is probably "unavailable" because Dr Strange & the Multiverse of Madness ended with him going semi-insane and the next movie has him in the Dark Dimension or something.
Banner-Hulk is a possibility, we will likely see Hulk in Captain America 4 so that'll bring him back to the front if they do it well.
Pretty sure Shuri Panther is done, it was not well received and they are supposedly keeping the Black Panther line on ice until a few more years pass so they can restart it with T'chall's young son, essentially recasting T'challa.
Falcon Captain America is definitely one of the Avengers at the moment so yeah that one's pretty certain.
Clint Hawkeye is probably retired now, I think we are more likely to get Kate Bishop but not as an Avenger.
Spiderman is probably an Avenger in the lore, but the Sony situation makes it difficult to bet on him for anything.
Thor needs to really get some redemption after the last film and we know Hemsworth wants to do a fifth movie to set things right, so I think he's more likely to be in a standalone film than another Avengers.
Warmachine would be an Avenger I'm guessing, but he just came back from years in stasis after the Skrull shitshow, so I'm not sure how he might work out.
Shang-chi would be good to have in the Avengers, his powers are pretty unique in the line-up.
Wong is a good pick too, especially if Strange is unavailable.
Iron Heart, Echo, Antgirl and Love are garbage tier, not even qualified to be Young Avengers in my opinion.
Daredevil and Moon Knight could be cool, but I doubt it.. Moon Knight barely feels like he's in the MCU in the first place, and Daredevil hasn't really been reintroduced beside a cameo.
Skaar might show up in a future Hulk film but I can't imagine them using a character seen for 2 seconds in the backend of a show few watched and nobody talks about anymore. But then again they're doing an Agatha TV show so who knows.