Marvel Universe stuff


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
this is probably how they get Tony back as Iron Man in the MCU. evil Tony is DD, then he has a redemption arc and flips to good for some reason and then whips out the iron man suit and audience applauds. now Tony is where he belongs without any of his Pepper and child baggage. although he probably hooks up with her and falls in love which makes him want to be good.
Conor Lamb GIF by GIPHY News
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<Gold Donor>
You guys naming off all of the potential Avengers are forgetting the strongest Avenger.

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Ssraeszha Raider
It’ll never happen now as he’s too old, but Frank Langella would have made an awesome Dr Doom

Watch this and tell me this isn’t Doom acquiring the power of The Beyonder

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Log Wizard
Strange IDK, what you said
Banner Hulk is uh, what happened to him? he was smart hulk then he went back to being regular hulk or something in she-hulk but then, didn't? He did that to fix his arm? idk. She Hulk was his replacement but that series was garbage so probably out.
Thor pretty sure was out but maybe a quick cameo scene in Avengers 5 or 6 (with deadpool, lol)
Wong ain't shit

Black Panther is out like you said
Hawkeye is retired and out, his replacement is west coast avenger, young avenger? whatever the fuck they were setting up, she isn't main Avenger team
Spiderman is out. Everyone forgot who he was remember? he's done, also convenient to the whole sony rights issue
War Machine is gone and replaced with an alien or some shit
Iron Heart, Echo, Antgirl, love are all garbage tier and if they were gonna be anything it would be that west coast/young avengers with Kate but that's not happening so nope
Dare Devil can't even get his D+ show started yet. Same with Blade and his movie, and Moon Knight is definitely not avenger material

Shang-Chi what else is he going to do? maybe he gets tied-in via the abomination/redhulk whatever reshoot # 79 on Captain America.

Cap Falcon is in

So yeah. There's literally 1, maybe 2 avengers right now? So to get to Doomsday, an Avenger film, they've gotta recruit whoever they're going to add in Captain America New World Order (hulk related shit, maybe Shang-chi via this), then what? 1962 Fantastic Four which takes place in an alternate universe? I mean I guess the end of the film can transport them through time and space to our universe but fuck that's just, bad. Thunderbolts? I mean they already are the bad guy team up film are they all gonna end up being the Avengers since there fucking aren't any avengers any more?

What other films are releasing between now and doomsday where they could conceivably introduce/recruit/add new avengers?
Everyone forgot who Peter Parker was, they still know Spiderman


Log Wizard
It's not. Who the fuck cares? Multiverses make everything shit. Michael Moorcocks was cool where it made everything COMPLETELY different but the MCU/DC where everything is just a little different/mostly the same? Sucks ass because it is really just a vehicle for story rule breaking, just like Time Travel was in Infinity War/EndGame. Lose a MacGuffin/Infinity Stone/Gamora/Capt America's Life? We'll just Time Travel you another one. 616 needs an interesting villain? Bring me Tony Stark from 617 but make him EEEEVEEEELLLL (then really good at the end). Lazy woke MFers.
Elric of Melnibone was one of the greatest Fantasy series of all times!

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<Gold Donor>
I have to reread that series.
Re-reading it, and others from the same era, really drives home how ponderous modern sci-fi/fantasy has become. It is a little jarring at first, but after awhile it is refreshing to just have the characters get to the fucking point.
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
Re-reading it, and others from the same era, really drives home how ponderous modern sci-fi/fantasy has become. It is a little jarring at first, but after awhile it is refreshing to just have the characters get to the fucking point.
Yeah I remember it being all meat and bone. Very little fat to Moorcock's books.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
As long as we have to keep hearing about multiverses, it will all be completely retarded and not worth watching.
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Life's a Dream
was thinking there was a variant of doom with a different mask, this is close as i could find, but is a custom (i think). rdj will probably be maskless for 90% of the movie, then get fucked up or something and put the mask on.
View attachment 539121

rock is getting over $20m for moana 2. think he got a million to just post about it on his social media, which probably more than 99% of voice actors will ever earn
That looks like Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
i think its dumb that you believe Tony Stark isnt going to be phyisicaly in the movie because his character wears a mask and still expect 80 million for it. Iron Man wears a mask. how often did you see his face in the movies he starred in?

Like all the fucking time. Even when he had his helmet on.

iron man marvel GIF


Molten Core Raider
Sure. But similarly, people seem flabbergasted that Ryan Reynolds didn't do the Deadpool dance, and probably also believe he's doing the swordfighting himself as Deadpool, or a bunch of other scene, including just standing around on a TVA set in a deadpool costume while other people are doing a couple of takes of dialogue, most of which he certainly isn't.

Part of the magic of these movies, I guess, is making the audience believe that you always have the movie star, RDJ, Chris Evans, Reynolds, Tom Holland, whomever in the frame, when surprisingly often it isn't and they record in some cases separate, including close ups and dialogue and whatnot, before that stuff gets spliced in with second unit shots of action scenes that might've been shot months earlier on a different continent.


Log Wizard
But what will we do without 1000 page novels with uber long descriptions of the food? Thanks GRRM!
GRRM is no where close to the shit done by Robert fucking Jordan
Nynaeve tugs on her god damned braid one more fucking time and I'm going to dig up this dead ass son of a bitch and shoot him just because. Fuck what an annoying bunch of shit.

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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
GRRM is no where close to the shit done by Robert fucking Jordan
Nynaeve tugs on her god damned braid one more fucking time and I'm going to dig up this dead ass son of a bitch and shoot him just because. Fuck what an annoying bunch of shit.

View attachment 539405

Yeah never could stomach his stuff. He'd waste pages upon pages on setting up camp. It was like lord of the rings meets gordon ramsey.
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<Silver Donator>
Re-reading it, and others from the same era, really drives home how ponderous modern sci-fi/fantasy has become. It is a little jarring at first, but after awhile it is refreshing to just have the characters get to the fucking point.
It's like reading the Robert e Howard Conan short stories. I think I've got all of the anthologies on audible, and they're wonderful. I listen to him every few years but they're just so God damn good. No purple prose, Conan is there on an adventure, and you're just there for the ride.
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Trump's Staff
Damn, a hilariously stupid chuck take. The reason celebrity actors have largely replaced dedicated voice actors in theater films is because no one gives a shit when a no name voice actor promotes a film. They do care when Chris Pratt promotes a film. These actors are getting paid millions. It's not going to be as much as a real role, but they make plenty if they're a big draw in live action stuff. Pratt reportedly made 5 million for SMB.

Nah man, it's $50k. Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon? $50k per movie. Hamill in all his shit? $50k each.

It's like, the law.
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Throbbing Member
Nah man, it's $50k. Bradley Cooper as Rocket Raccoon? $50k per movie. Hamill in all his shit? $50k each.

It's like, the law.
Yeah. Disney would never have paid the Rock 20 million for Moana.
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