Marvel Universe stuff


Avatar of War Slayer
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Life's a Dream
Actually looks good too me so far. Catch it before it is gone.

I didn't see this trailer earlier in the week, but doing a google search, I quickly found this.
Is it the same thing?

EDIT: Fadaar Fadaar says this is a concept trailer. It might be.
EDIT 2: In the description of the above video, it says this:
Please note that this video is a concept trailer created solely for artistic and entertainment purposes. I have meticulously incorporated various effects, sound design, AI technologies, movie analytics, and other elements to bring my vision to life. Its purpose is purely artistic, aiming to entertain and engage with the YouTube community. My goal is to showcase my creativity and storytelling skills through this trailer. Thank you for your support, and let's dive into the world of imagination! 🍿
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  • 1Picard
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Potato del Grande
I didn't see this trailer earlier in the week, but doing a google search, I quickly found this.
Is it the same thing?

EDIT: Fadaar Fadaar says this is a concept trailer. It might be.
EDIT 2: In the description of the above video, it says this:
Please note that this video is a concept trailer created solely for artistic and entertainment purposes. I have meticulously incorporated various effects, sound design, AI technologies, movie analytics, and other elements to bring my vision to life. Its purpose is purely artistic, aiming to entertain and engage with the YouTube community. My goal is to showcase my creativity and storytelling skills through this trailer. Thank you for your support, and let's dive into the world of imagination! 🍿

How can you be interested enough in this movie to post here, but simultaneously not be interested enough to have seen any of the lead in shows/movies and notice that the trailer is 100% reused footage?
  • 1Solidarity
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Life's a Dream
How can you be interested enough in this movie to post here, but simultaneously not be interested enough to have seen any of the lead in shows/movies and notice that the trailer is 100% reused footage?
I hadn't watched the trailer before I posted it. I just did a google search, and that popped up so I linked it here. I watched it later, though. Yeah, I realize it's reused footage, except on Sentry.
  • 1Picard
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Jesus, dude. Can't even bother watching a short trailer or reading a description before posting? You'll buy steel books of everything but this is a step too far I guess. You must be the kind of guy that gets their news from headlines only.
  • 1Worf
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Life's a Dream
I like steelbooks. I'm not exactly looking forward to this movie, so I just did a google search and that's all. You're way more invested into this than I am.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I like steelbooks. I'm not exactly looking forward to this movie, so I just did a google search and that's all. You're way more invested into this than I am.
I think it makes logical sense to pick on someone who hasn't watched Kaguya.


Potato del Grande
I like steelbooks. I'm not exactly looking forward to this movie, so I just did a google search and that's all. You're way more invested into this than I am.
I don't understand why you would google an interesting video, then ask other people to watch the few minutea runtime it for you to tell you what it is, then express surprise at people being confused by what you did.
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FPS noob

he'll also get some form of backend so it'll end up over $200-300m easy

by comparison, i didn't know at all thats how much keanu, tom, willis, or smith made off their sequels

  • 1WTF
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Throbbing Member

he'll also get some form of backend so it'll end up over $200-300m easy

by comparison, i didn't know at all thats how much keanu, tom, willis, or smith made off their sequels


There was some shit on Twitter where people were calling Marvel racist because they are paying him 100 million and Angela Basset only got 500k for Black Panther. Lol
  • 1WTF
  • 1Worf
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