Marvel Universe stuff


Avatar of War Slayer
Felt like pointing out for reference. DC does have imprints. Vertigo, Wildstorm, Paradox.

Road to Perdition, A history of Violence, Constantine(hellblazer), V for Vendetta, Stardust, The Losers, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen(lol), RED are all DC comics.

Not that that makes in any better. As I said before. Vertigo and wildstorm are a gold mine that DC is ignoring.
A lucifer movie? a transmetropolitan movie? A house of Mystery tv series? Authority? Y:the last Man. Fables. Y:the last man, and Fables both could be fantastic TV series at least. Maybe Transmet too. since that does kindof require a long haul.

While we are at it, its also pretty easy to forget other comic movies from Dark horse, and other indies. Things like The Crow, The maxx(tv, 30 days of night, cowboys and Aliens, Bulletproof monk, Ghostworld, scott pilgrim. Dredd, Kick-ass, the mask, mystery men, Men in Black. 300. sin city, spawn, wanted.
(obviously some are better then others.)

What is IMAGE doing? we have what? Spawn? Wanted. And the walking dead TV show/game?
where the hell is INVINCIBLE movie?


Potato del Grande
Wait, but Ben Affleck can't be BOTH Daredevil AND Batman! Will they need to recast him or reboot!?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah that's true. Those are all DC comic related movies. But... Correct me if I'm wrong, none of those movies have any DC labeling on them, correct? Minus the text at the end of the credits that no one reads. Not like how marvel and superman and batman have the big graphic at the beginning of the film


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i'm sorry, yes batman and superman had the dc logo. but road to perdition, dredd, etc. none of those movies had any kind of comic book logo in front of them. not that i remember anyways.


DC pointed and laughed when marvel said "Well we kind of have this idea, since we don't own the rights to any of our A list superheroes we will start with iron man, and if that movie becomes a success we will make more movies all building up to this 1 big movie." After the avengers marvel pointed to DC and laughed going "who's the idiot now? Have fun trying to get justice league off the ground without being labelled trying to copy the marvel system"

While marvel does a fantastic job not pulling any punches in trying to make their movies work, not in the least bit thanks to Kevin Feige, they really fail with their animated stuff, i mean you can do so much with animated movies, like side stories alongside the main movies. Get origin stories out of the way in animated and then you won't have to bother with them in the movies. Heck marvel is part of Disney, i bet pixar has been foaming at the mouth when they see all that marvel property they can dive into.

DC however, has been doing great at the animated part, even though they need to fucking fire their creative team who did flashpoint paradox. Seeing all those MASSIVE bodies without a neck and a teeny tiny head really made me cringe. Otherwise their animated movies, and voice actors are great.....nathan fillion as hal jordan, best....casting....ever....

I love it when i see DC struggle making wonder woman come to life on the big screen, and marvel has a raccoon with a shotgun. Go figure.


There was an animated Avengers series I just watched (its on Netflix), only two seasons before they wanted to cancel/reboot due to the Avengers movie release. It was really pretty good and they did a good job of sticking in a lot of Marvel fan service and doing their own version of Secret Invasion and a little Civil War and Kree/Skrull stuff. I'd say it was at least as good as Justice League and was in the similar vein where it was a kids show but those who know the content enjoy the occasional mentions to other things. The characters were pretty well envisioned for the show and even had some non-white guy heroes that got well portrayed (Jan Van Dyne/Wasp is action very awesome in it, so is Carol Danvers/Ms Marvel).

But then they decided to cancel it and do something different and less good. It was kinda sad.


Life's a Dream
Sitting up on the shelf next to The Savage Dragon movie. A little to the left of WildCATS, Fathom and Witchblade.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
where the hell is INVINCIBLE movie?
Do it like a more traditional superhero version of Kick Ass. Not so much in tone, but just in the way the teenagers interact. It wouldn't pull in Marvel money, but no reason it couldn't do Watchmen/Kick Ass like numbers. And it's such a well realized world, so many places they could go with it as a series.


Trakanon Raider
I want a good Daredevil.
I want a good Fantastic Four.

To finish it all off, I want the Infinity Gauntlet and then they can do whatever they want.

Couple of other notes of past and possibly future screw-ups to watch for and/or possibly correct.

Galactus - Don't screw that up
Madarin - Someone needs to fix this... I want to se the Mandarin brought back to some respectable prominence and bring Dr. Strange into the picture somewhere.


I can't imagine an Infinity Gauntlet movie being good. I just don't see it, I think it would be way too "out there" for movie audiences and not up to snuff for comic fans and everyone would be unhappy.


I can't imagine an Infinity Gauntlet movie being good. I just don't see it, I think it would be way too "out there" for movie audiences and not up to snuff for comic fans and everyone would be unhappy.
i *think* you may have missed a few hints.....

in the order:
- screencap from Thor
- photo comic con
- screencap from Avengers movie post credit scene