That's my other fear is that they'll make Captain Marvel the end all be all for SJW reasons.
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Why does it have to be SJW reasons if she ends up more powerful? Captain Marvel, like all comic book characters, has had varying power levels throughout her various incarnations. In Earth's Mightiest Heroes she was significantly more powerful than any of the other Avengers, being able to rumble with multiple Super Skrulls and actually stagger Galactus.
It isn't confirmed that Dinklage is Pip. That was just my wishful-Adam-Warlock-thinking.
...but I realize that 99% of the people that go see these movies would have no fucking clue who he was or why a bunch of people in the theater came in their pants when he appeared.
I'd rather they make Captain Marvel a heavy hitter like Thor and Hulk, but what bugs me is where do you take her if she's the one that defeats Thanos? I suppose you could do the memory loss deal they did in the comics. That could make for some interesting material for her solo movies. I dunno, that's why I don't run the MCU, I just fanboy out on it.
Yep, even if she doesn't save the universe, an arc like that would give her a compelling story going forward.Have her "burn out" her power, and then de-power her. It's been done in comics 1000x.
It really depends on how Thanos ends up being defeated. He wasn't overpowered by another in the comics. He got caught up in the rush of his own power, fucked up, and the least likely yet most deserving (of some payback) person there brought it to an end.
They haven't even started filming Captain Marvel yet.