

I'm Amod too!
Couple of videos from Azanor showcasing the upcoming Thaumcraft revamp. Prepare yourselves to totally relearn Thaumcraft by the looks of it.

New research mechanic:

And his wand revamp which also give a peak at nodes and changes to Vis:


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I still haven't gotten into thaumcraft.

I started researching but haven't actually made anything.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I think we need a ReR FTB server

My only rules would be that mass mining operations (turtle and quarry) be somehow regulated so we don't end up with big holes in world syndrome.


<Gold Donor>
I think we need a ReR FTB server

My only rules would be that mass mining operations (turtle and quarry) be somehow regulated so we don't end up with big holes in world syndrome.
I would be happy to rent a server for that purpose, once FTB Unleashed updates to 1.6.2 or whatever number they release next. My requirements would be:

1) McFly has to say it is ok. Regardless of what anyone else thinks, I wouldn't feel right just barging in without his blessing.

2) Someone else with more time and knowledge would have to run it. I've got no idea what kinds of restrictions and safeguards you can install on FTB servers, so someone with experience is definitely needed. I'd still have all the access and such of course, but I can't dedicate the time needed to respond to issues promptly, have never used something like MCEdit to fix shit, etc. Someone I trust to do it, like McFly himself if he wanted, or Adebisi (come on, look at that honest face!), etc.

3) Fuck Gregtech. No, seriously, whatever pack is chosen (I lean towards Unleashed, but who knows what will happen with the next release) it cannot have Gregtech. If you want a Gregtech server, you can get one yourself.

4) As Adebisi said, no quarries in the main world. Which means the person administering the server (not me) would have to create a Mystcraft age or two expressly for mining.

5) I have no idea if things like economy mods are capable of being installed on an FTB server, but generally I'd be against them, at least at first. With FTB you can use everything you accumulate somehow, so there shouldn't be any reason to sell materials, and earning money from killing mobs is far too easy to do with FTB as well.

6) Unless someone like McFly were super motivated to make another awesome spawn area, I'd like to start from scratch and see what people create together. However, that might be a bad idea so I am open to comments.

7) If the pack they release doesn't have Thaumcraft and XyCraft, I may want to wait until it does. Those are two of the mods I haven't messed with much in a long time (or ever with XyCraft), so starting a server without them would just make me want to reset it when they were released. I'd also be open to adding/subtracting particular mods if everyone feels strongly about them (although if I really love/hate it, you may be out of luck).

As with the spawn area, obviously I'd like to hear what people actually want to play as opposed to what I think would be best, but those are my general feelings.

Thoughts? Interest? If only 3 people would play it there's really no point. I know it will eventually end up that way, but that's inevitable with Minecraft. I have the urge to play FTB again once they upgrade, so I'd happily spend a few bucks to share the experience.


I'm Amod too!
I would be happy to rent a server for that purpose, once FTB Unleashed updates to 1.6.2 or whatever number they release next. My requirements would be:
First, on his stream this morning Slowpoke said there will likely not be another pack update until Minecraft hits 1.7. Apparently it's starting to get close and some of 'core' FTB mods are still lacking stable 1.6 builds which would make pushing a 1.6 pack kind of pointless with 1.7 around the corner.

2) You need a pretty beefy server to run a populated FTb server. My personal server, which is admittedly not great, starts choking once you get 6-8 people online at the same time. It also runs at 2.5g of RAM used for the server with just 3-4 regular players and their machines/contraptions.

3) Great news everyone! Our glorious GregT has recently become a dev for IC2 and watching some of Direwolf's latest videos Greg's influence is definitely showing in some of the new recipies. Let's all welcome 20 different combines with 5 different tools for a single machine to IC2 now as well as GregTech!


<Gold Donor>
I have no idea what servers are available, but hopefully the ones that could run FTB wouldn't be too outrageously priced. Sucks that yet another update to vanilla is coming, it could be months before FTB hits 1.7. Might be worth it to use 1.5.2 for a few months then, everyone would be burnt out by the next update anyway.

So, no IC2 on the 1.7 server then either?! Fuck I hate that guy, sucks he's on a mod that is pretty much a tent-pole of most packs. But seriously, with Thermal Expansion and all the other crazy mods out there I haven't even tried, is it possible to do without IC2 easily?


I'm Amod too!
Powersuits does have recipes for Thermal Expansion so it is pretty easy to totally avoid IC2 these days. I did this myself on my current server, since I always started with IC2 I tried new shit and it wasn't really limiting in any way.

As far as MC 1.7, I'm not sure how much under the hood is changing so I've no clue how hard it'll be for them to update. I do know Mojang is tweaking world gen quite a bit so. A couple of new biomes and some new checks so make biome generation more sensible (i.e. fewer deserts right next to snow biomes). He's also tried to limit the size of ocean biomes to get rid of those endless oceans.

Mojang blog post

1.6 world gen:

1.7 world gen:



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I haven't seen an excited MC vanilla patch for a long time. Of course, how can you compete with the modding community.

Step up your game, Mojang.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not sure where to ask, but this seems as good a place as any. Do any of you have any info for a good Feed the Beast Server? I literally have only been playing Minecraft for under two weeks. A co-worker has been going on and on about it, specifically Tekkit and FTB, so I finally purchased Minecraft and currently am playing Direwolf20's 1.5.2 version. I'm pretty clueless about everything still, but damn it's fun. Problem is I'd rather do all of this on a server where I can see others' creations, etc. I have zero interest in pvp. I can get that in other games. Any info would be great. I can use any version, but I've been watching a lot of Youtube videos of Direwolf20 and the Yogscast guys.


<Gold Donor>
Holy fuck FTB needs to release a 1.6.2 version soon (with XyCraft). I'm watching Direwolf's Forgecraft2 videos every day, and I'm dying to play. They've got so much awesome shit, with both Thaumcraft and Ars Magica, Tinker's, Applied Energistics, Morph, etc...all of which I've never played, or in the case of Thaumcraft, never played in its current form. But if I start playing 1.5.2, it won't have everything I'm watching him play, and I might get burnt out again when 1.6.2 releases. I want so much to be playing it! FUCK!!!


Unrelated question - I am posting here because what I'm looking for was in one of the "minecraft like" games threads we have. I'm looking for a thread on RR about one of several "minecraft" like games currently in alpha. It's not starforge but it was similar. It may not have had its own thread either. Last I saw we had one guy posting about the base he had been building.

The world had an "alien" feel to it. Monsters were more like giant bugs than zombies iirc. I believe you started the game by crashing your space ship. And it was still in alpha, like all the MC clones out there.

Hope that's enough for someone to know what game that is.



Has anyone played FTB:Magic Farm? I always felt the survival aspect of MC was one of the worst in a "lacking" kind of way. If it's a decent tech (redpower, buildcraft, IC etc...) pack with Thaumcraft and forestry it might be the next one I'll play.


Seems like we're off season for MC talk! I ended up setting up an FTB unleashed server instead. I am trying to isolate the land defilers (quarries, laser etc...) to a second world. I have Mystcraft turned on but it seems like a pain. I installed multiworld and it seems easier to handle.

Anyone played enough to know what items could be isolated? Anything that can defile the land should, imo.

Also if there is any interest I was thinking about making this a Rerolled FTB server. My last attempt with Tekkit was fun until the land rapists lost control (you know who you are!).


I'm Amod too!
Turtles, quarries, Arcane Bores and maybe Fillers are about all I can think of off the top of my head. Mining wells are also a maybe if someone were to make a system of turtles to plant and move them.

I actually got sick of waiting for a 1.6 pack from FTB and built my own a week or so ago. Wasn't really all that hard and only ran into a single item ID conflict.