Naked and Afraid


Trakanon Raider
Marriage is shaky...decides to leave for three weeks to be naked with another woman...WINNER!


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I'm still not sure. I've worked 2-3 days straight on jobs before, covered in construction shit, hot as hell, dehydrated and only a few sandwiches to eat which is ALL better than they have it naked out there and the last thing on my mind I am pretty sure was sticking my dick in anything. Imagine it is even worse for the women covered in mud and smelling like a person instead of whatever shit perfume they normally wear. I doubt they feel very sexy or turned on.
I think you're probably right. The first night might be embarrassing boner time but it would be pretty awkward since you just met and after that you've been staring at her dirty, smelly twat all day in the sweltering heat not to mention you're starving and covered with bug bites and it's probably not that hard to resist.


<Gold Donor>
I made the mistake of watching episode 2 of XL before going to bed. I couldn't sleep after that because I was so pissed. I really don't know how that one dude (the non-hippie) didn't punch her in the fucking face. I'm not saying I'd actually hit her, because of the whole woman thing, and it being on national television and I don't want to be "that guy", but I don't know how I don't at least grab her and shove her to the ground, or tackle her as she's running away with our stuff, or something. Just watching her I wanted to punch her so badly. I don't know any of the correct psychological terms, but she clearly has a fucking screw loose and should get help, because she's really and truly fucked in the head. She's the bitch that would throw everything you own out onto the lawn...from the second floor window. And then set it on fire. And run it over with the car.

Fuck, what a cunt.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
She is missing a few electrolytes. A punch to the face is the fastest delivery method.


Musty Nester
It's not just some random thing. She signed up for that shit. Twice.

She's the female version of that psychotic dude. But at least the psychotic dude is trying to D) Demonstrate Value. He's only a piece of shit rather than being a worthless saboteur piece of shit.

They should hump. They would spawn Damien.


Musty Nester
I kinda think that she thinks it's an episode of Survivor: South America. And I think the producers put her in there because they figgured she would do something incredibly stupid and get them views. They weren't wrong. But survivor is much better at being that kind of show. For this show to really work they need women like that Aussie stunt woman from the bayou episode and they need ex special forces meatheads with something to prove like a couple of guys that they've had. They need less chicks named honora and black ninjas.


> Than U
Just think we are now once again only a few short days to crazy train again.
I almost can't wait to see her butcher someone up and use them to catch something to eat and be useful for once.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I was actually thinking that they should have called the producers in and said that they didn't feel comfortable giving her machete back because she might kill them in the middle of the night. No joke, I think they should have, even if only to fuck with her unstable brain even more. Oh man, she'd have fucking lost it if the producers actually sided with the dudes. She might have hacked them all up right there.

The sad thing is that no one that knows her in person will tell her she's in the wrong when watching the show, out of fear of how she might react, or because they are as delusional as her (they'd have to be to be friends with her still), or because they are (stupidly) trying to get some of that pussy maybe. I'm sure she still thinks, even after watching it again on television, that she was the victim and had no other recourse but to do what she did.

It is possible she could end up being my most hated person on television after this is all over. I have a terrible memory so I might be forgetting someone truly awful, but she's headed straight to the top if she keeps this up. I'm sure the guy that pushed to have her back on is getting all sorts of high-fives from the executives too.


> Than U
Yeah, I was actually thinking that they should have called the producers in and said that they didn't feel comfortable giving her machete back because she might kill them in the middle of the night. No joke, I think they should have, even if only to fuck with her unstable brain even more. Oh man, she'd have fucking lost it if the producers actually sided with the dudes. She might have hacked them all up right there.

The sad thing is that no one that knows her in person will tell her she's in the wrong when watching the show, out of fear of how she might react, or because they are as delusional as her (they'd have to be to be friends with her still), or because they are (stupidly) trying to get some of that pussy maybe. I'm sure she still thinks, even after watching it again on television, that she was the victim and had no other recourse but to do what she did.

It is possible she could end up being my most hated person on television after this is all over. I have a terrible memory so I might be forgetting someone truly awful, but she's headed straight to the top if she keeps this up. I'm sure the guy that pushed to have her back on is getting all sorts of high-fives from the executives too.
If you read any of her twitter/facebook posts telling her how crazy she is, she thinks it is a giant joke and people are just trolling her. She is the worst kind of scary.


Blackwing Lair Raider
She's definitely got issues and the only reason she didn't completely flip out the first time on the show was because the guy was so passive. The NY guy she's with also had issues with his first partner (who was also crazy) so putting them together is reality tv gold. She throws a tantrum like a 5 year old.


<Prior Amod>
One could argue that the producers cannot interfer, just cuz you "feel" she's crazy and will slit your throat in the night, doesn't mean it's gonna happen. I'm sure standard reality tv rules apply, you only get kicked off if you cause physical harm to another.

Imagine if after this, they decide to kick her out, and she says no, then what? you can't drag her ass.

so you move? ok that means you either give up your shelter (and she takes it) or she just follows your ass, nothing to stop that from happening!

i mean it'll be great!


<Gold Donor>
Yeah I wasn't saying the producers would actually remove her if the guys said they feared she'd kill them, it would just fuck with her mind even more that it was even being discussed. She thinks that she's completely in the right here, so to have someone question that and even consider whether or not to kick her out for that would be enraging to her most likely.

The funny thing is, everyone compares her to the psycho dude, but they are nothing at all alike. He over-shared, definitely, and he has a warped view of reality, no question. But the difference is that he realizes it, and realizes that it isn't acceptable in normal company, and actively tries to correct his behavior. He has repeatedly stifled his urges to get pissed (letting the turtle go is a huge example) for the sake of keeping peace within the team. In fact, I'd say his team has done far more to annoy him than Honora's team has done to her. I mean fuck, they make fun of him while he's out hunting for meat that you sure as shit know they are going to eat too if he catches it. They both climbed trees to get fruit for their team, and both exposed themselves to a decent level of risk to do it. And they both were pretty much blown off without much of a thanks afterward. The bitch went all psycho and threw crap in the river. The dude went off on his own. He may despise those two "worthless" chicks, and may have actually skinned them alive for a coat in a real survival situation, but he understands there are rules and behavioral norms, and he is doing his best to follow them. He may not be my first choice of survival buddy, but he certainly comes in miles above Honora.


Musty Nester
Yeah. Shane is just super-stunted. It's kinda like... yeah, we've all known plenty of dudes like that. Back when we were 19 or 20.


Shane would probably be ok to just hang out with at a bar and be an absolute jackass with. I bet some luls would be had before it devolved into a fistfight. He does actually -try-.


<Gold Donor>
Hah, cocksuckers reeled us in with the Honora thing last week and got people talking about what she'd do next. Fuckers!
these lazy bitches need some ass paddling
Those bitches are gonna starve without Shane doing all their shit for them. Unless the editing has purposely avoided showing them do shit, they haven't done a goddamn thing since getting there. I hope they both have to tap out and Shane watches, munching on a capybara leg, as they are carted off, dehydrated and starving.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Dani Julien has the best ass of the show, Jesus her hips are so wide, and the other Dani is the cutest one overall.
Dani Julien is the one that almost quits her team.

Alpha male team is looking like a bunch of idiots, which we knew they were.
"Let me make this leet turtle trap." Turtle walks away....

Camp bromance is awesome, Dani should had stayed, but instead she is going to bring 2 more mouths to feed. It was hilarious her trying to sneak in the guys and failing miserably. It was cute of her.


<Prior Amod>
How is lazy Dani even cute? all they ever show is her and Alana being "mean girls" to Shane, or laying down, holy shit she must be a Mega slut cuz i've never seen her vertical.

What do you guys think the turtle did? ate through the twigs and run off?


<Gold Donor>
A turtle can generate pretty good force with its flippers if you've ever held one that size. It probably just pushed its way out. I was thinking that would happen the moment I saw their pathetic cage anyway. It was still hilarious when it happened though.