NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Kobe with probable torn Achilles. I don't like him, but that's a shitty way to (maybe) end a career


Trakanon Raider
And they'll lose Dwight in the offseason and Nash will try to find another contender to win a title with...probably trade Gasol for a tenth what he's worth.
Honestly, now that Kobe's out, I think it would be awesome to watch the Lakers go on a playoff tear.


Potato del Grande
The Lakers have actually been an ok team since late January or so, but too little too late. MDA allowed Kobe to decide his own minutes and it ended up being too much. He fell awkwardly on each leg twice before that final injury and had not gotten a single rest in the past 8 quarters of basketball.

There is no fucking way this team beats anyone in the playoffs without Kobe. (highly unlikely they'd do that WITH him)

Sad way to see him go out, what a fucking colossal mistake hiring D'umbtoni was, coulda had Phil.


if only Curry had hit that 3 at the end of the game, would have been the franchise dagger. I can't imagine Dwight even wants to make the playoffs at this point, he just needs to start resting asap and begin deciding where he wants to play for the next 5 years.


Trakanon Raider
Quality post faggot.
Cry more? No. You? Sorry, not sure how to respond to such brilliance.
After living in SoCal for 7 years, Lakers fans are the most dillusional fanbase I've ever been around. The guy who wanted to have a serious discussion with me about Fisher being a Hall of Famer was a personal favorite.

So, again.
Phil wouldn't have done shit with this team.
Lakers fans are stupid.


Silver Knight of the Realm
That was one of the worst officiated games I've ever seen, but wow that sucks. Shitty way to see the end of Kobe's career as Kobe. He'll be back in some capacity, but he won't be the same. He'll be 36-37 by the time he can play again.

If Howard leaves (which he should if he wants to win), the Lakers are about to enter depths previously unknown to them, ever.


Trakanon Raider
Howard will stay, because he'll get the largest contract and media spotlight being in LA. The latter being what he really craves. Championships are low on his bucket list.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
The Lakers will be able to build a team around Howard though. Money is not an issue to the Lakers. I think he most likely stays with them, they have a couple down years and then pick back up.


Potato del Grande
Cry more? No. You? Sorry, not sure how to respond to such brilliance.
After living in SoCal for 7 years, Lakers fans are the most dillusional fanbase I've ever been around. The guy who wanted to have a serious discussion with me about Fisher being a Hall of Famer was a personal favorite.

So, again.
Phil wouldn't have done shit with this team.
Lakers fans are stupid.
Wtf does "dillusional" mean? Yeah, how stupid of anyone to think that Phil Jackson and his 11 rings of experience as a coach could possibly do better than the bum that was run out of NY last year. (and btw also drove Jeremy Lin into the ground)


Trakanon Raider
Oh no, not a mispelled word! How will I ever live with myself?
Nice straw man argument, retard.

In conclusion:
Phil wouldn't have done shit with this team.
Lakers fans are still stupid.


Still a Music Elitist
The Lakers will always be in the post season. It's obvious the NBA and refs want it that way. The Warriors outplayed the Lakers in every stage of the game last night. Just look at the Lakers 50 free throws versus the Warriors 16. Fucking pathetic.


The Lakers will always be in the post season. It's obvious the NBA and refs want it that way. The Warriors outplayed the Lakers in every stage of the game last night. Just look at the Lakers 50 free throws versus the Warriors 16. Fucking pathetic.
Yep, it's got nothing to do with Dwight getting 22 FTAs (2 FTAs were intentional at the end of the game). It's not like they intentionally fouled him and his 58% FT shooting whenever he got the ball down low. Add another 8 for Gasol and that is 30 FTAs right there. Certainly GS's 3 power-forwards and back-up center didn't commit 20 fouls between them trying to stop two of the best big men in the league. I also didn't see GS getting easy baskets at the rim with all of that impressive defense the Lakers play. No need to foul when you miss assignments and let your man get an uncontested dunk or layup. 78 points didn't come from GS's (primarily) jump shooting guards either.

I've no doubt favorable calls and bias exists but the personnel, play-styles, and strategies of each team are completely different.