NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Trakanon Raider
The Bulls have the blueprint to win...they just don't have the players. And by making the Heat shoot jumpers, he meant make Lebron and Wade shoot jumpers. The other guys only get their jumpers off based on kickouts and ball movement caused by Lebron's drives.

If Indiana could take Chicago's gameplan and heart...they have a chance, but nobody is seriously expecting that any team other than the Heat is coming out of the East unless Lebron gets hurt.
One of the teams out of the West could give them troubles, though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I know they won't, but I am going to hope they fire Brooks. Durant and Westbrook deserve a real coach.


<Gold Donor>
OKC has to have 1 of 3 things happen to win a championship: Fire Brooks (won't happen for at least a few more years), Lebron has a career ending injury (a guy can dream), or they put together a blockbuster package of players to bring in some post presence. Ibaka/Perk will never win you a championship. I still don't think Westbrook is the answer at point either, but they'd certainly be on top of this series with him. The only thing that matters at the moment is how you do against Miami, and nobody (including OKC w/ a healthy Westbrook) is beating them.

Memphis on the other hand, is a really fucking fun team to watch. Grit and Grind indeed. Love the small market teams in the NBA - all seem to be well supported and the home court advantage for those teams (San Antonio, OKC, Memphis, etc) is so much better than the bigger market teams (NY, Miami, Dallas). Great playoffs this year, even if Dallas isn't in it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ibaka is capable enough inside in a way that Chandler was for the Mavs. Fuck the Thunder have the 2nd best player in the league and a top 10 talent next to him, they're fine. They need a coach and someone that can score off the bench.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Tony Allen is a fucking phenomenal defender. Would love a guy like that in Dallas. Another great game in a great series. Memphis is really solid.
He has also been the whiniest bitch on the court every game. Christ, he complains every time he things anyone else on his team got touched and goes into hysterics to try and show he drew contact. I don't remember him being such a crybaby when he played at OSU.


<Gold Donor>
Crybaby or not, he's arguably the best perimeter defender in the league - and the heart of a team that is about to pull a backdoor sweep on the Thundie.

Ibaka isn't close to the inside presence that TChan is either. If you swapped them straight up, Thunder aren't down 3-1 in this series. Plus, Chandler was playing out of his skin in 2011.


Molten Core Raider
Chandler is a much better help defender - it wasn't really about offense as much as covering Dirk's defensive weaknesses.

Although the Thunder really needed Ibaka to score with Westbrook out. Getting rid of Harden 1 year early might turn out to be one of the worst trades ever.

Plus, Chandler was playing out of his skin in 2011.
Difference is he was healthy that entire year + playoffs. His injury history is why Cuban didn't want to pay him what the Knicks did. He's injured right now and playing through it but he's obviously not near 100%.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Crybaby or not, he's arguably the best perimeter defender in the league - and the heart of a team that is about to pull a backdoor sweep on the Thundie.

Ibaka isn't close to the inside presence that TChan is either. If you swapped them straight up, Thunder aren't down 3-1 in this series. Plus, Chandler was playing out of his skin in 2011.
No doubt. He has been killing it this series especially.

I'm interested to see a Memphis/GS series. Talk about polar opposite philosophies on offense.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Crybaby or not, he's arguably the best perimeter defender in the league - and the heart of a team that is about to pull a backdoor sweep on the Thundie.

Ibaka isn't close to the inside presence that TChan is either. If you swapped them straight up, Thunder aren't down 3-1 in this series. Plus, Chandler was playing out of his skin in 2011.
Talk about a tale of two backcourts. On one side you have tremendous defense, scoring ability, and rebounding from Randolph and Gasol. On the other side you have Ibaka who has 0 actual post moves, cannot dunk over a defender, and really plays weak on-ball defense; and Perkins who has no offense game, weak rebounding because he has no ups, and a tunover machine. The worst part about Perkins and Ibaka is they compliment each others weaknesses. One cannot rebound because he has no ups and the other cannot rebound because he has no bulk. Perk cannot score down low because he is just awful and Ibaka cannot score because he cannot play with his back to the basket. Perk's on-ball defense is bad because he has bad footwork/mobility and Ibaka's on-ball defense is bad because he us called to guard big men that push him off the block or tweeners that blow right by him. Ibaka's great block numbers are because he is a fantastic help-side defender. After all that you wonder why there is a concerted effort made by the Thunder to bring in a big man that actually compliments Ibaka (since we know he is the one the franchise wants to keep). That means you need someone that has GREAT on-ball defense and can score with his back to the basket or rebound like mad. Either the scorer or rebounder would free up Ibaka to range out to that 16 footer he like so much and might also teach him how to finish around the basket.


<Gold Donor>
Talk about a tale of two backcourts. On one side you have tremendous defense, scoring ability, and rebounding from Randolph and Gasol. On the other side you have Ibaka who has 0 actual post moves, cannot dunk over a defender, and really plays weak on-ball defense; and Perkins who has no offense game, weak rebounding because he has no ups, and a tunover machine. The worst part about Perkins and Ibaka is they compliment each others weaknesses. One cannot rebound because he has no ups and the other cannot rebound because he has no bulk. Perk cannot score down low because he is just awful and Ibaka cannot score because he cannot play with his back to the basket. Perk's on-ball defense is bad because he has bad footwork/mobility and Ibaka's on-ball defense is bad because he us called to guard big men that push him off the block or tweeners that blow right by him. Ibaka's great block numbers are because he is a fantastic help-side defender. After all that you wonder why there is a concerted effort made by the Thunder to bring in a big man that actually compliments Ibaka (since we know he is the one the franchise wants to keep). That means you need someone that has GREAT on-ball defense and can score with his back to the basket or rebound like mad. Either the scorer or rebounder would free up Ibaka to range out to that 16 footer he like so much and might also teach him how to finish around the basket.
Agreed 100%. Ibaka has huge upside though (whether he gets there or not is up in the air). Right now, the Harden trade isn't looking great - but that was some serious, serious money he was being offered. OKC's offseason should be interesting. Local sports media (The Animal) is fucking brutal to listen to... terribly uninformed re: NBA, etc.


The NBA metagame is entertaining me today. I've been reading about the Sacramento Kings sale and potential move to Seattle. The NBA doesn't seem to want the move to happen. As far as I can tell the entire plan by the league seems to be that the league will force the Maloofs to take a lowball offer because they said so and Steve Ballmer won't sue them for interfering with a contract because he wants to play nice and not anger the NBA... LOL

I don't understand why every media organization in the country is completely dismissive of the idea of Steve Ballmer launching an antitrust lawsuit against the league for that. The NBA doesn't actually have a great track record of successfully defending itself in court against antitrust issues. It also doesn't have the antitrust exemption the MLB has.