NFL 2014 - 2015 Season Thread


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The Eagles problem has always been the fucking horrible O-Line. It makes them look bad. It's what got Andy Reid fired, Vick repetitively hurt, and what has put them behind so much this season. If the OL wasn't fucking horrible they'd be a monster team imo.
I agree their OL is garbage and going to get Foles hurt. But they only have 1 starter still playing in the OL.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The Eagles problem has always been the fucking horrible O-Line. It makes them look bad. It's what got Andy Reid fired, Vick repetitively hurt, and what has put them behind so much this season. If the OL wasn't fucking horrible they'd be a monster team imo.
Don't worry, the 49ers have no pass rush anyways. You could line up 3rd graders and still be fine.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Teddy throws dots AND has that beautiful scramble into the end zone! If the Vikings didn't make so many ridiculous coverage mistakes on D they would be looking really really good.
Every thing he does makes me more and more pissed that the Vikings jumped the Texans to draft him.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I would say the 49ers should just punt on 1st down to prevent the Eagles from scoring again but at this point it might just be safer to throw a 70 yard INT to be safe.


Bronze Squire
Based on the way Sproles has been playing this year I doubt who ever replaced him is having anywhere close to as large of an impact.
I would have to compare stats to be honest with you but I would probably agree, I don't think Cooks has done as good yet.


That guy
Every thing he does makes me more and more pissed that the Vikings jumped the Texans to draft him.
I still think it was the best move in the draft by any team. You know the Texans had to be pissed. The front office/coaches won't ever admit it but there's absolutely no way they pass up on him at pick 33.

Lost Virtue

Trakanon Raider
Teddy Throwsevelt throws some pretty and zippy balls if you can get over his small hands and miniscule strength...


<Bronze Donator>
Vikings look good. Imagine if AP was there.

Also they need to get the ball to Patterson. He's so good with the ball, and I have him in both my fantasy leagues =/


Bronze Squire
Just looked it up Chanur, receiving is actually fairly close with sproles at 196 yds 14 avg and 0 tds with cooks at 168/9/1. They do ask more of sproles though so if you include his returns and running then yes sproles is edging him out since we don't ask that of cooks aside from the occasional reverse and what not.


<Bronze Donator>
Just looked it up Chanur, receiving is actually fairly close with sproles at 196 yds 14 avg and 0 tds with cooks at 168/9/1. They do ask more of sproles though so if you include his returns and running then yes sproles is edging him out since we don't ask that of cooks aside from the occasional reverse and what not.
Yeah, you have to add Rush yards too. Sproles doesn't do all the return work for the Eagles but as seen today he can definitely make a difference there too.


Bronze Squire
Ya , I am totally not discounting that fact or anything as I know they ask that of him which makes him more valuable due to his versatility. Was just noting in the categories that we actually ask of Cooks consistently it is pretty close considering he is a rookie.

edit- let me add in as well I didn't agree with us letting Sproles go due to not having a better return guy if nothing else.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Just looked it up Chanur, receiving is actually fairly close with sproles at 196 yds 14 avg and 0 tds with cooks at 168/9/1. They do ask more of sproles though so if you include his returns and running then yes sproles is edging him out since we don't ask that of cooks aside from the occasional reverse and what not.
Yeah I just meant I know Sproles has made several big critical plays when his team has needed it this year is all.

By the way Teddy Throwsevelt is the best nick name ever.