NFL 2014 - 2015 Season Thread


Bronze Squire
The three TD's he scores will easily outweigh the int Billy Gay takes to the house.
So, should we avatar bet for the ass pounding the Chiefs are going to take next weekend?

I'd be a lot more confident if Smith had an arm that could challenge your secondary.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dude, Tim Tebow won a playoff game throwing a td in overtime against our best corner.

Alex Smith could look like Joe Montana vs this secondary.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Only thing that can cheer me up this season now is if Dallas loses to Indy this week, all the right teams win, and the Cowboys' playoff hopes rest on beating us at home Week 17. Then we crush their hopes and dreams with a season sweep after a fateful Romo 4th quarter pick.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Dude, Tim Tebow won a playoff game throwing a td in overtime against our best corner.

Alex Smith could look like Joe Montana vs this secondary.
Tebow had a big arm. He literally set the record for longest average pass attempts that year. Was like 50 completion % on those passes, but yeah the whole plan there was to air it out.

So, should we avatar bet for the ass pounding the Chiefs are going to take next weekend?

I'd be a lot more confident if Smith had an arm that could challenge your secondary.
Sure thing. I am prepared to see the Chiefs first WR touchdown in over a year.
Conte has a big mouth, but this time i agree with him. "Early death worth the NFL life"

"As far as after football, who knows? My life will revolve around football to some point, but I'd rather have the experience of playing and, who knows, die 10, 15 years earlier than not be able to play in the NFL and live a long life. It's something I've wanted to do with my life and I wanted to accomplish. And I pretty much set my whole life up to accomplish that goal. So I don't really look toward my life after football because I'll figure things out when I get there and see how I am."


Blackwing Lair Raider
If someone said to me you could do what you love and we'll pay you tens of millions of dollars to do it but you might live 10 less years? I'd do it in a fucking heart beat.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I think I would agree with that as well. However, it isn't simply living 10 less years. I think the physical pain these guys go through on a nearly daily basis, not to mention the ones that have brain issues, has to make those later years even tougher.


I mean that's the trade off, right. You sacrifice your body for glory and millions of dollars and not having to toil for 35 years under some other dickhead. Seems a fair trade.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I think I would agree with that as well. However, it isn't simply living 10 less years. I think the physical pain these guys go through on a nearly daily basis, not to mention the ones that have brain issues, has to make those later years even tougher.
They start losing their minds by the time they are 40. He might live 10-15 years less, but the 30 years after football and leading up to death might be total hell.

Junior Seau died at 43 for example. Dave Duerson died at 50 i think.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well, this group of players is going to have help that the generations before them didn't have.

OR, at least a spotlight on and a better understanding of their situations. Maybe tragedies like Seau and Duerson will make life better for current players when they get to that point.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
49ers just released Ray McDonald. Apparently his house got served with a search warrant. No idea if this is related to the domestic abuse case or not (I'm assuming not, since the DA didn't file charges). I'm betting it's a separate incident and the 49ers organization is done with his BS.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hell the hell are some of these franchises so high on the list, Redskins wtf, also would have thought GB or Colts would have been higher


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
That sounds like releasing him was a good idea. Good on the 49ers for not dealing with his shit anymore.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well one thing about green bay is we are weird. A super small market that still manages to constantly sell out a stadium thats only slightly smaller seating capacity wise to the total population of green bay. We are also a public team the only one in the league and we have a weird caveat that if you try to sell the packers there is a limit on how much can be made and all the proceeds go to the local Jaycees. Its a very much do more with less sort of franchise which is why we can hang with the big boys while not having nearly the overhead of a lot of them.