NFL 2015-2016 Season Thread


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You people keep saying this like I don't understand what it implies if the penalty was called. I'm really sorry that the refs stole one of your 4-6 wins your team will get this year. You should actually be thanking them for improving your draft position.
It's not just the Lions that are affected though. The defending NFC Champion is 2-2 instead of 1-3, only 1 game out of first in their division, and it's a conference win (or possible loss) which is the first tie breaker for the wild card if the teams in question didn't play head to head.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
It's not just the Lions that are affected though. The defending NFC Champion is 2-2 instead of 1-3, only 1 game out of first in their division, and it's a conference win (or possible loss) which is the first tie breaker for the wild card if the teams in question didn't play head to head.
Well surely this event will be the butterfly effect of the 2015-16 NFL season. Ashton Kutcher Superbowl MVP. THANKS REFS!


Potato del Grande
Omg, a bad call may have changed the outcome of the game, nay the entire season?

If they had called that fumble right against Brady in the AFC Championship game the Rams would have at least 2 Super Bowl wins and may have stayed together longer!!!!


Bronze Squire
Why is everyone assuming Lions win that game if that penalty gets called? Plenty of time left on the clock for the Hawks to drive and score. You could say the Hawks hadn't done anything offensively all game, but prior to that drive neither had the Lions.


Silver Squire
Why is everyone assuming Lions win that game if that penalty gets called? Plenty of time left on the clock for the Hawks to drive and score. You could say the Hawks hadn't done anything offensively all game, but prior to that drive neither had the Lions.
People are saying that? Lions got fucked. That is all. Maybe they win, lose I don't really care about the outcome. I care the NFL officials blew a major call that was potentially game changing and they had a review process to prevent it. Their job is to get it right, not get a pass because a team fucking blows this year.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
It sort of did have a butterfly effect when it happened with the (obviously more egregious) fail mary incident. Seattle is, in particular among NFC teams, in a position where tie breakers are going to make all the difference down the road. At least until the Cardinals lose three QBs in a row again....


Potato del Grande
Bad calls happen. They need to stop blowing shit dead for no reason and they need to be able to review almost everything, shit, they SHOULD be reviewing everything in real time with a team of fucking officials on every camera feed.

There does need to be some discretion on calling shit though, otherwise you're going to get a fucking hold on every single play. You want to hand over a win to the Lions after fumbling on the one inch line over an esoteric rule that I've never seen called in my life when the Lions had zero chance of recovering that?

Lions fucked themselves. Time to move on to next week when another team will get fucked. (again Cards got fucked just as bad and we aren't still talking about that are we?)
At the end of the day its 2015 and the idea that there wasnt instantaneous feedback to the officiating crews ear pieces saying "that was a penalty, you missed it. give it to the lions" is... odd


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Bottom line is you don't want refs deciding games. You make it so that refs aren't shown to decide games even though they do to a huge extent. It's pretty obvious why this was a horrible call and changes are needed. What do these guys get paid to know the rules?


NFL refs make 175k a year. They have other jobs. I say pay them like real NFL employees and make those guys show up to Ref work 5 days a week. Have them at practices or whatever making calls. Have them reviewing film. Whatever. For the amount of money the NFL wastes on other shit, make these guys full time employees but also make them accountable. You fuck up? Back to the NCAA for you!

Also seriously, get 1-2 refs in the booth with ear pieces and let them make calls on stuff.


Vyemm Raider
John Harbaugh was talking about that, which I thought was funny given he got a super bowl ring out of PI calls on balls flung into the stands.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
NFL refs make 175k a year. They have other jobs. I say pay them like real NFL employees and make those guys show up to Ref work 5 days a week. Have them at practices or whatever making calls. Have them reviewing film. Whatever. For the amount of money the NFL wastes on other shit, make these guys full time employees but also make them accountable. You fuck up? Back to the NCAA for you!

Also seriously, get 1-2 refs in the booth with ear pieces and let them make calls on stuff.
Exactly. Goodell wasted millions of dollars going after Brady on a little known technicality. If Goodell is playing Al Capone games, the least we should expect is well paid professionals with much greater accountability. I hate Brady but if he is to held accountable for the inflation level of balls, then refs should be accountable for the rules they are enforcing.

Edit- refs are throwing more flags than ever before so they are obviously affecting games. This needs to be a much bigger issue.


Vyemm Raider
We do not know what the ball was going to do since it got slapped out of bounds.
IF nothing hit the ball it WAS going to hit the ground in bounds then it was anyone's guess as to what was going to happen, hit and bounce up, bounce "out" or bounce back... since no penalty - like was supposed to happen- was called it was seahawks ball. if the penalty was called it would have been the lions ball at the 1yd line with tons of time on the clock- and time outs- to run 4 plays to score to potentially win the game. the ref blew the call -by not making the call. no skin off my back since i do not care who won, but i'd rather have them get the call right the first time around.


Bronze Squire
For better or worse, I'm going to the Chiefs/Bears game this Sunday in KC. Should be a complete shitfest.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Enjoy it should be fun. I may try to head to the Chiefs game when the Chargers come in December.


Bronze Squire
I'm sure it'll be fun, we are going to start early that day. Might also be going to the Pittsburgh/Chiefs game in a few weeks, too, if the stars align.

The Chargers game would be better though.
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Bronze Squire
Pittsburgh @ Kansas City 3,243 tickets available from $139
Cleveland @ St. Louis 5,037 tickets available from $28

Chiefs fans are more gullible than Rams fans.
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