NFL Postseason 2017 - Where Romo Gets His Ring


Sparkletot Monger
Thanks for predicting the outcome L2 I know for sure my Falcons are winning now. Uber he just screwed you guys with his leet poll/predictions like in the election!

Really milking that one for all its worth, eh? Falcons still allowing 5+ yards on rushing attempts.

Good Luck!

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Atlanta and Quinn know how to defend the Patriots. Something our retarded coaches do not.

Small little pussy white guy receivers you get physical with them in man-to-man bump and run like Seattle has done in the past and they dont get open...Brady gets sacked pressured and you win. Granted Atlantas corners are not as good as Sherman etc, but unless they play some dumb zone shit I think they will win. If Carroll wasnt a fucking retard with Lynch, that would have won them the last SB vs the Patsies.

Ya worked for Seattle! Especially ib that 4th quarter, lul. Also Atlanta plays zone, like Pittsburgh.


<Bronze Donator>
We play both, yesterday we played man press 90% of the game. When we played Seattle we played both according to personnel on the field.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ya worked for Seattle! Especially ib that 4th quarter, lul. Also Atlanta plays zone, like Pittsburgh.

Brady had 0 touchdowns and 1 interception. Down in the red zone your receivers got locked down.

And stop trying to talk about X and O stuff. I even numbered them for you, and in this it is man under or cover 2 corners are pressing. Quinn will give different looks, but against good QBs he is almost exclusively in man to man. Same way he designed Seattle's defense when he was there.


Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Genjiro Genjiro you talking reg season or super bowl? Because the Pats shit on that defense in the super bowl. And Dan Quinn had zero answers for Brady in the 4th quarter.

I do 't even know why this years regular season game would compare.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Because its this year not how ever many years ago.

Look, football is about matchups. Which is why the team A beat team B who beat team C and thus A>C logic especially doesnt work and is retarded. You hear dumb fans spouting this shit on every forum. Some teams just matchup better vs others even if their players might not be as good. Philosophies DO matter, and the Atlanta offense is a lot more dangerous than the Seattle one.

The Falcons matchups defensively were harder vs GB than you guys. Why? Because man-to-man is inherently high risk high reward because if your corners are not strong enough to jam the receivers at the line, they can get leverage (outside or inside) and beat them deep. In the play above, that corner at the top got beat but the safety was over top. That receiver though is Jordy Nelson, who is notoriously hard to defend in man because he is big and strong and can laugh that shit off vs most corners. The Patriots receivers are white but they are not Jordy Nelson. Cobb is also more physical than your receivers. The Falcons corners vs your receivers should be a big matchup favor their way.

This is where Bellichick will likely counter. Delayed handoffs to a guy like Blount could be devastating if he gets free. A) hes strong and B) the corners will have their backs turned so if he gets through the line, hes will run free for awhile. Fyi, this strategy is how the Colts absolutely raped the Bears in the SB, just go look at how many rushing yards the Colts backs had....Manning didnt have to do exploited the Chicago defensive strategy. Even though Manning was by far their best player, Chicago sold out to stop the WRs and the Colts countered and won in a big way. Im not saying Brady will be shut down by any means, just that he would need other options.

There is that, and then there is also a guy like Bennett who will be a tough matchup in man. Like most defenses, you pick your battles and try to limit their options. Bennett vs the Falcons safeties and linebackers imo will be key. As will a power running game with Blount. If Blount starts breaking off big runs sometimes it will force a team out of man to keep corners up. Or even Lewis if he thinks he can beat the Falcons D outside there will be no corners there.

Who knows who will win, by on paper I like how Atlanta matches up personnel wise and philosophy wise. The Pats have ALWAYS had trouble with teams who are good at man to man. The Jets when Rex was there did the same thing to you guys and it worked. Not saying you will get dominated, by any stretch, but that I think it will be close. Turnovers etc though can completely throw a spanner in the works though, so theres always that. On the other side I think Atlantas balance on offense will be critical. Im sure Butler will probably shadow Jones and they will bracket him as they did with Brown to make Atlanta go somewhere else. Sanu, Gabriel and the running game has to be there for Atlanta. If not it could be a long day offensively. I love the way the game looks on paper though, it should be a good one I think and close.
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Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Blount won't have 10 carries, Rowe will cover Julio with help over the top. Butler is small, he'll man up Sanu. The Pats win by 20. Atlanta defense is miles worse than the one Quinn controlled in Seattle and Brady took a dump on. This thing is a non contest.

When you start talking in absolutes you lose all credibility. The Pats don't ALWAYS have trouble with man to man, they shit all over it in Super Bowl 49.

Facts, not feels.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You are just as bad of a homer/retard about the Pats than Dallas fans are -- almost.

You should know I defended your boy here, so I think Brady is as good as it gets. That said, the only times the Pats offensively have been stopped over the years its been by teams who are good at man to man and disrupt his timing. Your receivers are shit vs man - that's a fact, not feels. Brady will carve up zone defenses, but thats not what you will be seeing.

Also, Super Bowl 49 is not this one -- so why do you keep putting facts out there from different teams and different years. Im talking overall philosophy and personnel in a generalized way. The Falcons offense should put a lot more pressure on you than the Seahawks did this year...and Russel Wilson THIS YEAR lit you the fuck up at your place and outplayed Boy Wonder. Considering Quinn and Petey are close, you can be guaranteed they are going to be sharing notes.

Just to reinforce what I said above. Vs the Seahawks this year, your TEs were half of Bradys yards. Bennett will be key.

You wont win by 20 either, thats straight up retarded.
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
28-24 is shit all over it? You are remembering wrong but Pats fans are usually retards. Seattle had a 10 point lead until the 4th and their offense was pretty bad. Pats won because Carroll is a retard. Facts not feels.
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Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
Completed 75% of passes for 330 yards 4 TD's, 13-15 for 170 and 2 TD's in the 4th quarter. Shit all over them.

Genjiro Genjiro I'm not being a homer, these are fact based predictions of these games. Just like I was 100% right about the Steelers game. I'm not coming after you because I think you don't like the Patriots or Brady, I'm coming after you because your pre-conceived notions of the Patriots are way off. The Pats struggle with teams that get pressure up the middle, nothing to do with man or zone. You get at Brady's feet and he gets off his game.

Quinn was the defensive coordinator for super bowl 49 you fucking imbecile, that's why I bring it up. That game has infinite more bearing on this game than the Seahawks game this year. The Pats will study that super bowl defense, they won't spend a minute on the Seahawks regular season game this year.

Pats by 20 for ring 5. This is no fucking contest. Toughest team the Pats played will be the Texans, their front 4 was no joke.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Coming from the pleb who thought Atlanta ran a ZONE defense. LULZ

You dont even know the basics of X and O football. Its like some retard who cant do basic math arguing about calculus.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Someone start a petition that Uber be perma-banned if the Pats win the superbowl. We'll call it an involuntary ban bet.
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Potato del Grande
28-24 is shit all over it? You are remembering wrong but Pats fans are usually retards. Seattle had a 10 point lead until the 4th and their offense was pretty bad. Pats won because Carroll is a retard. Facts not feels.

Seattle only even had a chance for Carrol to be retarded because they had a miracle bobble fluke catch to get them in the red zone. Facts not feels.

PS: Yes, putting up 28 points on a "omg amazing defense that shuts down what the Pats try to do" is shitting all over it. You think this is college where you have to put up 75 points to shit all over a defense?

PPS: Pats by 20 for ring 5.
  • 1Cutler
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King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Any of the fag Pats fans want to avatar bet the 'by 20 line' you retards are spouting? Any of you fags have some balls? ESPN radio was talking today about just how whipped of a fan base they are. No self thought, no life outside of projecting from your team. Any takers?


That guy
welp think I'm done with this thread until after the Super Bowl, it's getting a little too retarded in here
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<Gold Donor>
Lets take a look at the defenses the Atlanta Falcons played against.

Murderers row, I'm telling you.
Mathematically, Atlanta has faced harder defenses (pts allowed per game) than Patriots have faced offenses (pts per game).