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You're so full of shit. Do I need to pull up multiple posts where you flat out stated that you couldn't give a shit about the portability? You've constantly stated you bought it to play with your imaginary friends. And you keep bringing up the fact that people can't afford $300 to spend on this shit system, when those same people blow more than that on other stuff that's equally frivolous, so you can go ahead and stop with that stupid nonsense. Here's a protip for future reference, people who have to keep talking about money don't have any. You're probably a poor, pathetic fucking bastard. You're also a Nintendo fanboy, we get it, you're going to do and say anything and everything to defend your purchase, we get that too, but most of what you say is flat out horsehit and factually wrong. Everything from your predicted sales numbers, to what consoles had to best libraries, to Nintendo having some monopoly of the greatest games ever...it all can be factually refuted.
Basically, you're a clown, it's no wonder you're the only single guy in your group of friends. And you have multiple personality disorder, btw, in case no one has ever clued you into before. Go read your posts at the beginning of this thread and read your posts now, you've contradicted yourself constantly since drinking the kool-aid.
Basically, eat a dick, faggot.
I love you.
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