The difference is, Nintendo's "played out sequels" are all fucking amazing games that are all on the list of anyone's greatest games of all time. Zelda: BOTW is one of the best video games I've ever played. Mario Kart 8 is by far the best in the series, and since I never bought a Wii-U, it's new to me. Splatoon 2 will be fun as hell, Mario Odyssey looks amazing, I'm sure there will be another Metroid game that will release for this system, as well as a dozen other games that will be awesome and exclusive to the Switch. Meanwhile, you homos who come here and cry and bitch about a system you don't even own, will go play Call of Duty 25, which is just as shitty as the last dozen Call of Duties that they've made, or any of the other games on the X-box or Playstation, most of which look and play like shit when compared to the PC version of those games. Seriously, list the exclusive games for PS4 or X-box One that are truly amazing, and I bet the list isn't that much higher than the couple Nintendo has already released in the first few months of their new system.
Lol. Ok buddy you have fun paying double the price for that indie game that has been out for 3 years already because Nintendo won't let their publishers separate prices for Digital and Physical because... no one knows. Have fun paying for those VC games we have already beat to death, yet again, on the 5th generation console they were purchased for... again... Don't forget about Skyrim. That came out 6 years ago and now you can play it dumbed down to Morrowind graphics on the go for a full $59 price point!

Oops. Can't watch netflix, hulu, amazon prime, like you can on any device released since 2003. BOTW - Fantastic game. Loved it. Got some use out of my Wii U! Mario Kart, same deal. It's the same damn game. With the same reused tracks generation to generation save one or two. Oh hey, a Mario platformer. Something else that is now being done better in the indie circuit with games like Inside, Limbo, and Ori and the Blind Forest. Or Raymen Legends and Tale of two Brothers.
PS4: Last of Us. Uncharted 4. Horizon Zero Dawn. Far Point (shit, anything VR related on PSVR is epic), Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Yazuko 0, Persona 5, Nioh, Nier (Although also available on PC) Ni No Kuni 2, Uncharted the Lost Legacy.... This can go on and on and on.
Xbox One: I own one but it sucks.
Switch: BOTW which can be played on the WIi U. Mario Cart Rehash - Played on the Wii U. Splatoon 2 - Whoopity Doo! Mario Odyssey.... 4.
4 Fucking games. One of which is new and awesome and can be played on the Wii U with hardly any noticable difference. Another is a fucking port. And two new games with 50 indie titles at double the price because Nintendo has their head up their ass, an alpha online service, no VC, no sharing of accounts, no sharing of games across the household, no apps, and over priced accessories.
And for God's sake
don't forget to preorder your empty box!