Why do you care about saves so much? You must realize by now I don't care about a lot of these "they don't have this in 2017" things you seem to be so passionate about.
Also, for example, xbox gold is $10 a month and that comes with 2 games a month as long as you have subscription. Switch is said to be $30 for a year,how about compare similar things, in this Case 1/4 the cost so about the same satisfaction per dollar.
"Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima said that the service would cost between 2,000 yen and 3,000 yen per year, putting it in the $17–$26 range."
You still yet to make a factual point that stands and is able to change someone's mind. Please try again.
SAVE DERETEDUUYou are trolling and also on drugs. Save game.
Why do you care about saves so much?
xbox gold is $10 a month and that comes with 2 games a month as long as you have subscription.
For those wanna be trolls waiting in the wings, here is how to give yourself away. I am guessing he is tired.
I laughed. I'll give him that.
It's obvious we all know you can easily find Xbox Live sales for a year for $37.99-$42.99 at varied points of time throughout the year. We also know that the free games are not only 2 for Xbox One, but two for Xbox 360, which are also backward compatible. Aside from being able to keep these for the lifetime of the subscription, hence forth, adding up considerably over time, we also know that PS Plus (Which I actually care about) provides two free PS4 games, 2 free PS3 games, and 2 free PS Vita games per month. For the same sales price you can find. Not to mention, these games are sometimes AAA games - not indie, all the time, where as the one free game a month you will receive to play online, for one month, then it goes bye bye with the switch online "value", will be nothing but NES/SNES titles. (As affirmed by Nintendo) which unless you are 14 years old, you have played over and over by now, and quite frankly, can play online already using ZNES (Which wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo is using it as well since they have already admitted they use ROMS from the internet and then charge for access in their VC.
Now, with that said, we all know this. Why? According toCrisco we are real gamers. Crisco let me define to you a real gamer.
Getting hammered and playing rocket league, waking up and realizing you just dropped 4 ranks. Now THAT takes dedication not only to the booze, but the will to keep having fun even though one must have lost about 65 games in a row while pounding shots, and not having a care in the world.
Good night my save less friend. If you want some trolling lessons, I highly suggest this book.
Amazon.com: Clueless (Clueless) (9780671536312): H. B. Gilmour: Books
I'll just keep enjoying something that you don't, which was my original point.
I thought your original point was to learn about the value add differences between what ps plus and Xbox live were compared to the switch's service per dollar spent? I'll bullet point it out for you tomorrow if that will help?
I tried to put that into the clearest facts possible. I didn't even mention save game files, because that's a touchy subject for you.
My biggest mistake was going down the shithole that is talking to you, you keep trying to justify other things being better, ignoring the fact that others like something and you being insistent that I shouldn't like something I like.
I will admit that I shouldn't have tried to get you to justify why you like something that I don't, like the cloud saves.
You should address the part about you leaving the thread and not coming back, or at least read that.
Watsahi wa namewa Utnayan San. Nihongo de hanashimaska?
Yeah. Let me fill you in. Sony is based in Japan too. I don't see them selling fucking cartoon boxes. Why? They don't have their head up their Ass when it comes to running a successful global company.
It's been a LONG time since I took it in high school. Was I even closeChysamere ?
Meanwhile, back to talking about games for the Switch. Today's topic: The upcoming 9 year old $14 dollar Xbox Live Port selling for the fantastic value of $40 on the Switch... (Drum Roll)
Street Fighter 2! And boy howdy, do they have some good things to say about this one.
Street Fighter 2 Nintendo Switch first-person mode is the worst of Wii waggle
Holy Christ they cannot even get this shit to run correctly. (They also couldn't get Binding of Isaac to run well either)
Looks like 3rd parties and ports are having a difficult time here in the beginning.
It's been a LONG time since I took it in high school. Was I even closeChysamere ?
Meanwhile, back to talking about games for the Switch. Today's topic: The upcoming 9 year old $14 dollar Xbox Live Port selling for the fantastic value of $40 on the Switch... (Drum Roll)
Street Fighter 2! And boy howdy, do they have some good things to say about this one.
Street Fighter 2 Nintendo Switch first-person mode is the worst of Wii waggle
Holy Christ they cannot even get this shit to run correctly. (They also couldn't get Binding of Isaac to run well either)
Looks like 3rd parties and ports are having a difficult time here in the beginning.
Motion controls are the worst thing to happen to video games since...forever. They were fun for 10 minutes to play Wii bowling. No one wants to do that shit on a regular basis.
Most of the words were right but the syntax looks like you put it through a blender.
"Watashi no namae wa Utanayan-san desu. Nihongo dekimasen ka"
Not to mention they're not that precise yet anyway. Even the tippity top VR systems, watch people play shooters their characters flail around in odd ways.