If you pulled your head out of your ass long enough to see that the things aren't sitting on every shelf all over the world. Despite your precious feelings, if you came to reality you would see there is demand despite anything you say. Please find me where I can buy the switch online and in stock? Amazon, best buy, pick your horse. Sure new deliveries happen and they are on a shelf for what, a day. No demand, sure thing.
They are continually on the Gamestop web site. You can gauge all their stock on nowinstock.com and there isn't a day that goes by they don't have any for sale for hours at a time. No one else has them online because they are deterring scalping which is why they are forcing people to go into stores (Other obvious reasons is they are jumping at the chance to get people into their stores as well) I saw 6 at Best Buy in Richfield MN today a suburb of Minneapolis. I have seen 4 in stock the last time I was at Walmart when I ran into your wife and her boyfriend while buying my toilet paper, and at Target they had 3 - This was in Maple Grove MN. And I am not EVEN TRYING.
Also, if indies are overpricing switch software, shouldn't you be mad at them, not Nintendo as they don't dictate prices.
Nintendo doesn't allow for Indies (Or anyone) to price their games cheaper on the Eshop. They HAVE to be the same price as the physical unit - forced down by Nintendo. This matters because physical cartridges are way more expensive to produce, which COULD be offset had Nintendo stated you can sell the game for cheaper on the Eshop since you are not incurring that price. It's another bullshit Nintendo decision in a span of hundreds of other bullshit decisions which Nintendo (Reggie) scapegoats on saying they can sell for whatever they want.(Almost as believable as that idiot from Sony stating no one wants backwards compatibility, yet spent hundreds of millions on the fucking Playstation NOW service to make a business out of it)
They are forced to sell at the higher price physically due to media, but also forced to sell at the same price on Eshop. The only alternative is to go shop only, which takes them out of the physical market which most do not want. I will give you this, at least they renegged on that awful online component and now will let subscribers maintain their VC titles - but they have a LONG ways to go on catching up to 10 years of consumer friendly account practices that Sony and MS have laid down. But still are dead ass backwards for needing a second device to use lobby and voice because Nintendo backtracked on the progress they made with the Wii U to cut corners to launch this tub of shit 6 months too early to hit a fiscal to improve their dreadful stock situation.
This has been a cycle, hell with every console release, ever. Low supply at first, high demand/scalpers, and you can ONLY judge real demand when supply is fully ramped. And just so you know, this same exact shit happened with the GameCube. The only difference here between the Wii U and the Switch us that if we had hundreds of thousands in supply for Switch, we would be seeing the downward spiral of this piece of shit a lot earlier.
Instead, we get Nintendo freak fanboys stating how great demand is in a choked supply chain. Which is only going to delay the inevitable thump of "Fuck! Maybe Nintendo will turn it around next time!" Rinse and repeat until 4033.
In no uncertain words, take the Mario Amibo out of your ass, take your head out of the sand, and start watching reality of why this thing will get it's ass kicked starting around the end of summer when supply will collect fucking dust.