Let me go ahead and show something else. Total Wii sales in it's lifetime.
Japan: 12.75 Million Units
America: 48.64 Million Units
Other: 40.23 Million units
In a global market, for a global company, who made the most successful console ever from a financial view point, only 12.545% of Nintendo's sales were realized in Japan. 87.455% of Wii sales, which made NIntendo enormously successful, was everybody outside of Japan.
Why is this important? Because the Switch's success will be dependent on the global market and Japan is going to be another shaving on the pile. The main issue with this is Nintendo caters to Japan, when they do not realize the reason they were successful is when they catered more to the rest of the world. The Switch has backwards as fuck services attached with it, archaic hardware design, a ridiculous step backwards in both the online component and account services/ease of use for online services/customer friendly features, when set against the successful standard to today's services on other consoles. And if you do not think consoles have changed into a service market you're high on meth.
And it will destroy their global market. Period. And you won't be able to sugar coat it or spin the shit. Regardless of how many "But I can play this game while taking a dump and thank God for that because with this irritable bowl syndrome (That from the sounds of it everyone who owns this thing suffers with daily) I can play for an hour at a time while leaking away!" players there are going to be.
And if they come with nothing to the plate except what we already know is coming this year at E3, the hype is dead and this thing will over supply itself into oblivion.