this was so goddamned bullshit. i had decided i want gonna watch this anymore and just read the thread in case it got better, but as always. i get bored and said, fuck it and slapped it on. it had the makings of a good episode, every scene builds to something then it just blue balls you at the end like its a fucking joke. haha, i bet you were liking star wars there for a second, werent you? no bitch, we need to interrupt this program for a horrible piece of writing to prevent that from ever happening. they made Obi Wan a complete fucktard. why did Jimmy Smits think it was a good idea to send in OB1 when he could have just paid the fucking space ransom and had Leia back by now?
this contrived OB1 v Vader fight was so disjointed that i thought it was some wet dream Vader was having in the bacta tank. no apparently this really happened in the show and this one way tunnel that Leia and Sand Slut was running through really is capable of leaving when the story says so and Revquanda was already able to teleport to the end without meeting Sand Slut or Leia on the way. or even knowing where it fucking ended up. Vader roasts OB1 then fire happens and somehow he cant wtfcrush simple robots like Luke could in the Mando show or like he could himself in RotS.
this is a pile of shit, but i guess i am in it for 3 more weeks just to see how much more they clown OB1 and every last ounce of love i had for this franchise.
also holy shit they made the asian guy super butthurt for this entire episode. they literally turned him into an asian stereotype.