the more i think about it, the more bothered i am by the laser gate lol... like it's been said, they could just walk around it. when i watched it, i was like, oh they're probably turning the gate off to take the truck, which would make turning the gate off make sense. except, it's a hover truck and terrain can't impede it so you could still just drive the truck around it anyway. blarg how stupid lol...
and to gavinmad's point about reva being told to act evil on purpose... i think that's probably the case. i mean, think about it... in the first episode the grand inquisitor basically told all of anchorhead that the empire has been lying to them this whole time and the jedi are good guys. his whole argument about the jedi is that it's an irrevocable part of their training to help people in need. they can't NOT help people, even if it means their own death. and then reva goes and proves his point by throwing a knife at some rando JUST to bait the jedi into stopping it mid-air.
we, the audience, know the empire is evil but the general population of the empire believe them to be a force for good, bringing order to the galaxy. the VAST majority of people think the jedi are evil because they all bought the lie that palpatine told them: the jedi are power hungry traitors, going so far as to attempt political assassinations to keep themselves in power.
but here goes the grand inquisitor telling everyone that the jedi are good guys, which makes the empire the bad guys by default. it's clear that the grand inquisitor believes that as well. vader and palpatine have done some obviously evil things, but they believe that what they are doing is fundamentally good. they believe with their whole being that they are bringing order to the galaxy but also that they are the only ones capable of actually doing what needs to be done in order to bring about that order.
but the writers of this show (and honestly probably all the writers at disney) don't understand that nuance. they don't understand the idea of perspective. "what does a villain see when they look in the mirror" is like, second day of writing 101 but what we're stuck with is "tell us where the jedi are or we'll just kill everyone, even though honestly, you guys probably have no idea where the jedi is... we just need to threaten to kill everyone to keep up appearances since we're the bad guys."
edit: ugh. i just though about vader showing up and immediately just force choking random people left and right, dragging some nobody down the road for no reason, other than to demonstrate that he's evil. vader in this show is kylo ren.