Hadn't really thought about this before, but it looks like the 144hz option in Overwatch draws a bit more load on the GPU. My GPU temp at 144hz has been hovering at 87c, which is causing some stuttering and other issues. I'm running this on a Asus ROG laptop with all the settings on minimum. Just going from 144hz to 120hz has dropped the temp to 80, but I'm still seeing some serious issues. I've also capped my FPS in game to 120, hasn't helped, though.
Anyone have any software/setting/trick type options for making this run cooler? I'm thinking of just placing my laptop right next to my window, but I'm worried about damage from moisture.
I assume if I have a 144hz monitor and a 60hz second monitor that is all kosher as long as I play OW on the 144? Like I don't need to completely unplug the 60hz, yeah?
I think OW is overdoing it with skin releases. They should focus on 2-3 heroes. This isn't LoL where they have 120 heroes. Seeing 1/3rd of the OW roster get new skins every 2-3 months is fatiguing.
I, like a lot of people 3+ starts, have no reason for lootboxes any time except during events. Then, during events skins are added incentive to play. I think adding 1/2 the roster with skins is fine. It gives the hardcore something to go for and the casuals do get fucked a little bit, but they just need to make them buy only after the event for their inflated price so people will stop complaining.