Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I thought no expenses were spared? Fucking 1080ti, you welfare queen.
I mean, if you read between the lines - he didnt even have a 1080ti in there to begin with. Which makes 1080ti the card he's dreaming about. Oof.
  • 1Solidarity
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<Silver Donator>

I've gone camping with black people. I've gone fishing with black people. I even had a black guy come caving with some friends and I once. These are some of my most cherished memories.
Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals

(Shout-out to Bubba who's a country boy and a stone cold trout slayer, but he's the only black buckwheat I've fished with)
  • 1Solidarity
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
1080 ti is the highest video card that will work in Dell 9020. I am going to add 500w psu and a few fans.
  • 1Moron
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
I an waiting to be cleared by my doctors before I can sue my former landlord and his insurance company for code volations and discrimation÷harasment which lead to my amputation surgery. The fall shattered my cubliod bone completely. The cubliod connects the leg to the foot.The last propstic failed to work and they will need to amputate to the knee next time. Then i might upgrade my pledge to 10 k so i can make quest involving pirates and sea monsters.
  • 1Moron
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<Gold Donor>
I a waiting to be cleared by my doctors before I can sue my former landlord and his insurance company for code volations and discrimation÷harasment which lead tomy amputation surgery. The fall shattered my cubliod bone completely. The cubliod connects the leg to the foot.The last propstic failed to work and they need to amputate to the knee next time.
Remember to eat plenty of extra sugar to energize your body to heal faster.
  • 3Galaxy Brain
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Chubzy Wombat

Door Kicker/Creator of Charcoal/Landlord Litigator
Just remember to get a fresh kick to the door in and cover the part that turns into charcoal before the landlord sees it.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I an waiting to be cleared by my doctors before I can sue my former landlord and his insurance company for code volations and discrimation÷harasment which lead to my amputation surgery. The fall shattered my cubliod bone completely. The cubliod connects the leg to the foot.The last propstic failed to work and they will need to amputate to the knee next time. Then i might upgrade my pledge to 10 k so i can make quest involving pirates and sea monsters.
I'm still wondering what the answer to discrimination divided by harassment is...


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Imagine getting sued for code violations because some crazed diabetic tenant shattered his foot, and then having your payout money go to pay his 10k pantheon pledge.
  • 8Worf
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
He recieved three stern warnings from my doctors about my foot condition. He ingored them and refused to make repairs to the property. I fell down a flight of stairs with no railings in the front yard.. He waited until
i fell to make repairs. The funny thing is hes a structural engineer in RL. Like Pantheon you have duties to fulfill when you sign contracts with people.
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  • 1Moron
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
So you already had a foot condition and then went and tumbled your ass down the stairs with no railing after multiple warnings? Why didn't you get a cane or go more carefully?
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
Shit hsppens. But it is his fault for not maintaining his property. He refused to do anything considering he was a structual engineer in RL.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Since when have Doctors notes been part of lease agreements? Sounds like some mentally ill who needs more restraining orders. I guess section 8s are gonna section 8.
  • 1Truth!
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I'm starting to think the tenant I had in my old rental house who stiffed me on the last 2 months of rent then stole the washer and dryer when evicted was not such a bad tenant after all.

Thanks for cheering me up Sox!
  • 3Worf
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