Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
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<Silver Donator>
Goddamn goat was going in for a kill shot after he obviously fucked that kid up with a kidney blast off camera. Kid was obviously running away in pain, and that fucker wasn't going to let him escape.

If you're little, you don't go around them.

It's funny is the adults are just sitting there oblivious. Jesus, thanks for making me spit out tea. 😉
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I love how the goat just winds up while running at the kid, and then with everything that goat had, lunges at the kid. What is amazing is that it looks like the kid just decided to stand his ground at the last worst possible moment, and then told the goat "Bring it". I could watch this all day and still laugh at it.
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
I was taking a few days away and playing with AI Art when this idea hit me. In the age of piracy, the majority of pirates were English. Since my cartoon has four male pirates what do you think about their look?

openart-image_ZIVuX7Ye_1724585807621_raw (1).png
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<Gold Donor>
I was taking a few days away and playing with AI Art when this idea hit me. In the age of piracy, the majority of pirates were English. Since my cartoon has four male pirates what do you think about their look?

Hey, those people don't look representative of the UK. Are you racist?
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
I think these guys are from Liverpool. Oops I forgot to draw in fucked up teeth and psychotic jack 'o lantern grims,
Chris, I know you want to get the word about my podcast. But pls don't, do it again I will ban you from the project. Btw 62 is pretty good view count from the trainwreck video. I was trying out the 2 gb video card. Yes, I need a better system. I dont think 1050 ti wont fare much better, I will make the computer my discord channel computer.
My court date is setup for my landlord and the security deposit soon.
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Potato del Grande
I think these guys are from Liverpool. Oops I forgot to draw in fucked up teeth and psychotic jack 'o lantern grims,
Chris, I know you want to get the word about my podcast. But pls don't, do it again I will ban you from the project. Btw 62 is pretty good view count from the trainwreck video. I was trying out the 2 gb video card. Yes, I need a better system. I dont think 1050 ti wont fare much better, I will make the computer my discord channel computer.
My court date is setup for my landlord and the security deposit soon.
Sox, pirates were from the south west of England, big pirate culture down there and they have the classic pirate accent. Liverpool wasn't important until the industrial revolution.

I don't fully understand what you said, but you don't like that I promoted and linked the 3rd episode of your podcast here?

For those who don't know:
Episode 1: How many races are in Pantheon?
Episode 2: Blue Face
Episode 3: 3 FPS Pantheon Gameplay

Nirgon Nirgon how many finished zones does Pantheon have now? More or less than Sox's podcast episodes?
  • 2Worf
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