Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
Booze you sound like a retard when you do that shit. I have never seen any sign of intelligent comments in response to my comment. "Sox, you are wrong because of XYZ" Nada. You are a fuktard.
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
where's your podcast at Weasel or Booze? I would get busy.

Weasel, I don't have a triple studio behind me bankrolling my ideas. do I need to talk about the failures of Wow under your reign? I answer to no one. Eventually, I will get there, and then I will start anew.
  • 2Moron
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
Pantheon will launch but then they will run out. After the money is gone, Daybreak will buy them out and finish the game, I am not afraid to show my face on stream now , Chris, and weasel on stream.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
That video has me convinced that ol capt bart here may actually be literally retarded. I'm iffy about if I want to keep engaging now or not.
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
I have Asperger's syndrome like you fuktards undiagnosed. Someone in confidence told me who Alex is on this forum. Weasel is not Alex. He has a man crush; I raid with Alex's cleric (who I out-parse in stats) every weekend on the CT pick-up raids. I want to see how far he would take his man crush out. I know Furro is Alex's cleric because of a comment he made to me on a raid.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I have Asperger's syndrome like you fuktards undiagnosed. Someone in confidence told me who Alex is on this forum. Weasel is not Alex. I raid with Alex every weekend on the CT pick-up raids.

I don't think you have undiagnosed Asperger's. You are just socially stupid, like to an I did have breakfast this morning level of being so socially empty you dont even realize whats going on.

Shit, you banned chris on twitch. Jesus. He's spent years here standing against (perceived) mob mentality bullying and irl he teaches in the worst city in his country and has said hes a reformed incel who hopes others can get their shit together. Like, the one guy in here who may genuinely want you to succeed and his heart is there for you, and hes the one you banned. Nirgons a maybe, he too champions incels. The rest of us are watching jersey shore foh version.

I'd tell you to go talk to a real doctor and get diagnosed but maybe stay away from doctors...
  • 7Worf
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Potato del Grande
I don't think you have undiagnosed Asperger's. You are just socially stupid, like to an I did have breakfast this morning level of being so socially empty you dont even realize whats going on.

Shit, you banned chris on twitch. Jesus. He's spent years here standing against (perceived) mob mentality bullying and irl he teaches in the worst city in his country and has said hes a reformed incel who hopes others can get their shit together. Like, the one guy in here who may genuinely want you to succeed and his heart is there for you, and hes the one you banned. Nirgons a maybe, he too champions incels. The rest of us are watching jersey shore foh version.

I'd tell you to go talk to a real doctor and get diagnosed but maybe stay away from doctors...
I only have an iPhone 11 too apparently! I assume that's an old one?

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
You didn't respect my wishes of not publishing my unfinished work over and over. You made it out as a joke. Enjoy the ban. You might want to use a new phone number and IP. Who's Next?
  • 1Moron
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