Official Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen #

patch-notes: Bug Fixes
Removed invisible walls in the shaman area of the Barrowdark.
Fixed some lost orcs that were evading.
All varieties of Wayward Trappers should now count for the quest "Stop the Trapping"
Beginner Monks who seek the advice of Master Seun may now find an additional quest after dealing with the Buzzing Nuisance.
Pono has received a stern talking-to from the Sorhiryth Trade Commission and should now offer his wares properly.
Timber Wolves and Trained Timber Wolves should now drop the appropriate loot.
Increased essence generation when using two-handed weapons to bring them more in line with how much is generated when dual-wielding.
Increased the amount of wrath generated when using one-handed weapons to bring them more in line with the amount of wrath generated when using a two-hander.
The schematic for the Myrmidon's Battle Gloves should now properly accept its components.
The schematic for the Simple Hammer Head should now create the correct item.
Schematics for Simple Weapon Hafts now list the correct skill requirements to make the items.
Schematics for Simple Endcaps and Simple Bow Reinforcements now list the correct skill requirements to make the items.
Several Leather basis schematics that were not accepting Gossamer Thread should now properly accept the material.
Bird Skin may now be used in the creation of bulk cured leather.
Schematics for cured leather, cotton yarn, and cotton cloth now list the correct skill requirements to make the items.