Again, it is not that the thread has turned negative per say but the fact that we are getting bits of information and it is being review upon release. Sure, you have to filter out some of the posts but primarily, as information is release, it just isn't sitting well with this community. For this thread to not be "negative" you have to give us something that we find worth applauding. You can't expect to appreciate information that is below expectation. Honestly, I don't even think expectations are all that high but rather people are looking for consistency and creativity similar to EQ/VG.
The reason Brad isn't posting as much here is because he's is trying to work a lot of different audiences and i'm sure if he finds and audience more receptive, he's going to communicate more with that audience. Let's face it, he doesn't get much encouragement here without delivering the goods. Let's review, discusses fixes, and what needs to be done from here.
1. Release a Kickstarter with legitimate in-game shots. If none is available concept art. Do not put factory/stock assets in your released shots. If you are wanting to show the art direction, anyone can google the Unity engine and it's assets. Thus, simply place and link and reference the engine.
2. Do not continually admit you're still learning. Pose as the professionals at minimum. Display you've done your research. Kickstarter is nothing new. VR has repeatedly played their "we're learning" card. Learning what? You made Everquest? VG? Your team has years and years of experience and you're telling me you don't know how your target (niche) audience, which you chose by the way, works?
3. Cart before the horse. Why are we talking about the game when you need funding for a studio? salaries? etc. I know you want to show off a game that you want to make and that's supposed to encourage us to help you gain a place of employment but why even discuss it? I'm all for transparency but it is hard to focus on the game when there's no place to make it. I don't know the details but VR are the people bringing this up. It is distracting. Your stretch goals are all game based.. shouldn't you worry about being able to pay rent? If we are going to talk game, let's talk game. If you want my money for an office, show me what you want in terms of an office. What are we raising money for here? Should we be talking classes or how many computers you need an their specs?
Ok.. let's move forward.
1. Let's figure out what we are talking about. If we are talking about the game, let's talk about the game. Classes, races, combat, dungeons, etc. If you're having work so hard to get out information relevant to these points, and yes, I feel that it has been rushed, you started your own timer when you opened the KS.
2. Get the community more involved. To avoid Dark Knight issues, have your team pick a list of names, ask what we would like to see, and make it so. If a name doesn't matter, then why maintain the control and assume all the risk?
3. Be very specific. Lore week is a good idea in essence but bad timing. I care about lore but not right now. However, I like how you have went specific. I know what to expect this week and that keeps the information hungry people at bay. Knowing is so much better than speculating what we'll see next. It sucks that it will be lore this week but maybe you need the week to get other things ready.
Those are just some really quick thoughts and there is still time to make this happen but this has to change course and VR needs to act like they made games before and then have interacted with the gaming community.